Lycaurica focuses on Sylamira Ostoka-who goes by Mira-a 25 year old goat-cat hybrid, trying to figure out the mystery of how her best friend, an opossum named Zuri Mylvich, went missing 6 years ago. To do this, however, she has to uncover her not-so-great past relationships and past events. Read along as Mira solves this mystery and finds new experiences and friends on the way. 

This story contains (fictional) religion, dark themes such as abuse, and occasionally blood/injuries.

Hi and welcome to the Lycaurica website :D This is a world created by Mooncherryxcatz/Mooncatz (aka me) where my comic "Lycaurica" is set in! I really like making lore so that's why theres so much worldbuilding stuff here--  Anyway, I'd suggest checking out the lore if you're interested! I put a lot of effort into all this stuff.

Note: A LOT of the things on this site are still in the works, and even if I 'completed' it I'd probably still make tweaks. I update very frequently so keep that in mind! There is a changelog to view updates to parts of the site.

Lycaurica was first conceptualized on the 18th of June, 2022.

Click the image to view The Lycaurica Archives! This also includes each comic page in higher quality.

Click the image above to view the "Stories" page! This has some extra little Lycaurica content! All stories are canon unless said otherwise