Detailed Character Template

Firstname [middlename] Lastname [ || A nickname or two]

Summary of their character and personality. Maybe include their magic type[s] and if they go to school? And a familiar if they have one. 


Character: Relationship

Character: include however many relationships you want but 3-4 is ideal for a bg character.

Full reference sheet (if they have one)


Trait 》one positive trait

Trait 》one positive trait

Trait 》one neutral trait

Trait 》one neutral trait

Trait 》one negative trait

Trait 》one negative trait

Powers and Abilities

Magic types and how powerful they are. And a familiar, if they have one.


Lorem ipsum

part 1

Use this if you want to add parts of your characters life here. Like for example, "Early life" or something that's important to your characters backstory, like how Mira has a "Church life" section on her page.

part 2

Include as many parts as you need to.

Extra optional things


Familiar name

Description of your characters familiar.


Name of the phonebird. Gender too. Maybe personality??? Super short tho