Lyme Disease Divide

Lyme Disease Divide

September 21, 2006 5:20 PM | Permalink | Comments (12)

A Maryland resident called to say, "As the director ofLyme Disease Education and Support Groups of Maryland, I get comments and I've had three calls since this article['Lyme Disease Divide,' published in NE] came out [on Sept. 17] saying what a wonderful story it is. I wanted to let you know that folks are hearing about it all over the country. I work with people all over the country who are sick. A lot of these people depend on Dr. [Ray] Jones. Thanks you for the coverage. People were talking about it all the way down here and further south and further west. Actually, someone in California called to tell me about the article. I just wanted to give you a heads up. Please compliment the paper as well as the writer [free-lancer Gary Santaniello]."