Our Volunteers Make The World Go Round

Our Volunteers Make the World Go Round!

On any given day our dedicated volunteers can be found...

Researching the latest scientific literature and disseminating the findings to people

within the Lyme community and various media outlets

Writing news articles, letters to the editors, press releases, newsletters and reports

Designing and preparing handout literature, posters, flyers, display boards, web pages

Staffing telephone hotlines and answering individual requests for assistance by phone

Responding to tens of thousands of email requests for help each year

Educating the public, school aged children and health care professionals about

Lyme and tick borne diseases

Organizing and sharing medical updates with the Lyme community

Assisting health care professionals with projects

Preparing and presenting special events for the community

Setting up booths at fairs, festivals, senior citizens organizations, banquets, malls

Mailing Lyme literature to individuals and working together on mass mailings

Attending national seminars, conferences, local meetings, county events,

rallies and protests

Arranging for guest speakers for monthly programs and special events

Providing interviews for TV, radio, newspapers media outlets

Collecting, analyzing and compiling survey information at local venues and at national levels

Contacting and meeting with state and federal legislators concerning Lyme-related legislative issues

Providing outreach programs for organizations, government agencies, schools, camps, businesses

Providing educational materials for libraries, schools, colleges, local businesses

Working with out-of-state and national Lyme organizations and support groups to

assist with various projects and programs, including their legislative and educational efforts

Assisting patients with insurance issues, filing claims, appeals and various reports

Helping patients gain access to qualified health care professionals

Assisting families in gaining access to needed medications

Working one-on-one with patients and their families on issues of concern

Assisting with tick surveys at deer checking stations and by flagging methods

Organizing educational material for our web sites

Advising and assisting support groups nation wide with a variety of topics

Working with out-of-state and national groups in an effort to reach more people

Attending local meetings to improve awareness and prevention efforts

Assisting with fund raising efforts for Lyme research and children's benefits

A Special Thank You!

Thanks to Google for providing us the opportunity to develop and publish free websites!

The work involved in creating this 500 + page site was donated by Lucy Barnes


The only monetary expenses related to this effort are

annual fees for the domain name


Our sincere thanks to all!

Lucy Barnes
