John Hopkins

There’s a new kid in town!

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Hey John Hopkins… we had great expectations and everyone was watching you. But, you let us down time after time, and in turn many people have become chronically ill, disabled and even died.

You built a pseudo-science ‘let’s get rich’ Lyme disease play book from which you profited in several ways, like promoting phony-bologna Lyme tests and the failed Lyme vaccine, while spinning your old news over the years to make it appear as if you are actually doing something productive.

Clearly during the last three decades you weren’t doing anything substantial to benefit patients.

You, the Infectious Diseases Society of America and your pals at the CDC left us to suffer in hopes we’d fall apart and rot away. Unfortunately, many did thanks to you. Even the estimated 36-63% of those who COULD get some treatment at some point developed chronic illness anyway.

And you had the audacity to blame the sick patients, our preferred labs and the doctors who helped us for not getting better. Shame on you!

And now, Johnny come lately, we’ve got some news for you! You better move on out cause there is a new kid in town.

Another study (one of several) was just released by these new kids, who are also located at Hopkins. But, unlike their counter parts, they are reporting factual findings and are making progress. They've done more for the Lyme Community in the last few years than you've done in a lifetime.

Separate from the same old Hopkins gang that continues to claim Lyme is easy to diagnose and easy to cure, and those who have recently established a Lyme Research Center with millions of dollars to hash over the same things that were already done using funding donated to them by those who didn’t know better, instead of sitting around waiting to profit on what appears will be another disasterous vaccine, this new small group has done the actual work involved to provide answers and open the way to an actual cure for Lyme disease.

They’ve built on the work done by those few brave researchers and doctors who came before them, confirming in the process the doctors you persecuted and these patients you ignored WERE RIGHT AFTER ALL.

This new “cure” for Lyme disease, already proven by the team to be successful in the lab and in mouse models, is a combination of three antibiotics currently on the market. This new antibiotic combo is able to kill the various forms of Lyme spirochetes people get from ticks immediately upon being bitten, and/or that can develop the longer someone goes untreated or improperly treated.

Due to the war against patients you’ve kept alive through the decades and the continuous fighting you seem to love, some of the new team members in this study, please take a bow- Jie Feng, Tingting Li, Rebecca Yee, Yuting Yuan, Chunxiang Bai, Menghua Cai, Wanliang Shi, Monica Embers, Cory Brayton, Harumi Saeki, Kathleen Gabrielson and Ying Zhang- decided to divide persistent (chronic) Lyme disease into two categories:

Type 1 Persistent Disease- early development of persistent disease when persister biofilms are acquired at the time of the tick bite.

This category also covers what Hopkin’s infectious disease doctors, rheumatologists, and neurologists call “post treatment Lyme disease syndrome” (PTLDS), for which they have strongly protested against any antibiotic treatment being offered to patients they have diagnosed with it. They have also publicly condemed any other treatment patients have used to diminish symptoms after being denied what they actually needed- antibiotics.

Type 2 Persistent Disease- late development of persistent (chronic) disease due to initial infection not being diagnosed or treated in time so the infection develops into late persistent disease.

This category also includes people who were not diagnosed using the tests still on the market that miss 74.9% of those infected, and those who didn’t remember a tick bite or get a rash, as well as those who got the run-around from doctors who were following the highly flawed and unsuccessful IDSA (infectious disease) Lyme disease guidelines.

The new team starts out reporting, as others have earlier, that B. burgdorferi (the spirochete responsible for causing Lyme disease) can develop variants or different forms including spirochetal, round body, cystic and biofilm-like microcolonies.

The cystic and round body forms have been found in animal and human tissues over the years, including the brain tissue of deceased Lyme patients. This could explain the progressive ALS, neuropsychiatric and Parkinson’s-like symptoms Lyme patients have developed.

Interestingly, the new team of researchers discovered some of the spirochetal forms caused more severe arthritis in mice than the more commonly described growth phase spirochetes.

More importantly, they showed the current standard Lyme antibiotic treatment with doxycycline or even ceftriaxone was unable to get rid of persistent infections in the mouse model, but could be completely eradicated by a new persister drug regimen.

As far as the symptoms and damage caused by the spirochetes, they reported mice infected with either the round body or spirochetal form had a higher degree of inflammation as shown by their tarsus (ankles, foot bones). Additionally, tendon sheaths (outer layer of tendons) were also thickened, which may explain the painful “fibromyalgia-like symptoms” and stiffness experienced by Lyme patients. Swelling of joints was also observed in the mice in varying degrees.

They found some spirochetal forms caused more severe persistent Lyme arthritis than other forms, and some caused inflammation of the heart muscle, aorta and a thickening of heart valves.

Upon completion of its detailed study, the team concluded:

“A triple persister drug combination regimen Daptomycin + Doxycycline + Ceftriaxone completely eradicated the persistent infection in the mouse arthritis model while the current standard of care antibiotics failed to do so.”

Yes, Paul Auwaerter and his pals at John Hopkins, there’s a new kid in town and everybody loves him (and her)! So, hit the road Jack and don’t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.

And may God bless all of those who continue working to help the growing number of people who are sick or will become sick in the near future.

To the New Team In Town- Keep up the good work!

Lucy Barnes

April 5, 2019

Link To Study-

Recent Human Studies- Part 1-

Part 2-