It's A Party & You're Not Invited

It's A Party And You're Not Invited

January 2018- However, since they said so nicely… "Please forward this email to any other individual or institution in this area that is working on ticks or tickborne disease issues.”

Well, by golly, NOW you are invited- to the 7th Annual Mid-Atlantic Tick Summit!

Yes, yes. I know the current guest list isn’t at all appetizing, but why should they have a big old party on YOUR topic without you being there? And if you go- and I hope, hope, hope you ALL do…. then you can write a review of the meeting like they’ve done in the past.


I am pretty sure a report from those who weren’t invited originally (you party crashers) would be of great interest, especially to the Federal TBD Committee & those behind the patient lawsuit, and maybe even as part of a rebuttal for the upcoming IDSA Lyme disease guidelines.

And as an added bonus you may have the pleasure of being seated next to your choice of 24 different people from Johns Hopkins who were invited, and/or a number others from the CDC, NIH, Yale, FDA, Harvard, MERCK, etc.

And its another opportunity for the suck-ups to go and get their photos taken with Ben Beard too! Joy to the world!

Oh, so much fun and for only $12 (box lunch fee)! Life just couldn’t be more grand!

From: MDH CZVBD -MDH- <>

Date: Mon, Jan 8, 2018

Subject: 2018 Mid-Atlantic Tick Summit VII registration is now open

To: Alice Towne -MDH- <>,

Angela Caranci <>,

Kim Bjorgo-Thorne <>,

Karen Gordon -MDH- <>,

Maggie Schmidt -MDH- <>,

Michael Pfaff -MDH- <>,

Judy Stone <>,

Allen Richards PhD <>,

"Patrick W Mccardle, MAJ USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US)" <>,

Aaron Henecke BS <>,

Abdu Azad <>,

Adriana Marques MD (NIH) <>,

"Alex P. Kostik BS" <>,

Alexandra Cumbie BS <>,

Alexandra R Ms CHPPM North-Ft Meade Spring <>, "Alexandra Spring R CIV USARMY MEDCOM (US)" <>, Alexandre DaSilva (FDA) <>,

Alexis White BS <>,

"Alison Luce Fedrow MS, PhD" <>,

Alison Rebman MPH (HOPKINS) <>,

Allyn Bryan BS <>,

Alycia Curlee BS (HOPKINS) <>,

Amber Ferrell <>,

"Andrew Hennenfent DVM, MPH" <>,

Andrew Kyle <>,

Andrew Li PhD (USDA) <>,

Andrew Lima BS <>,

"Anna E. Perea” (CDC) <>,

Ashley Kennedy <>,

Ashley Morris <>,

Baishali Kanjilal PhD <>,

Barbara Downes MS <>,

Becca Pelc (UNIV MARYLAND) <>,

"Ben Beard BS, MS, PhD” (CDC) <>,

Ben Larman PhD (HOPKINS) <>,

"Benedict Jr CIV Pagac (US)" <>,

"Brett Forshey MS, PhD" <>,

Brian Hendricks <>,

"Brian Kidd, PhD" <>,

Bryant Bullock BS <>,

"Carla Williams MS, PhD” (NIH) <>,

Carly Stokum MPH <>,

Carol DiSalvo MS <>,

"Cassidy Rist, DVM, MPH" <>,

Chelsea Wright BS <>,

Cheryl Novak MSN <>,

"Christine Densmore DVM, PhD" <>,

"Christopher (CDC/CCID/NCZVED) Paddock" <>,

Cindy Driscoll DVM <>,

"Ciro Monaco Jr. MNR" <>,

Clara Fuentes <>,

Clark Beil MHA <>,

Corey Meyer <>,

Cory Casal BS <>,

CPT Leigh Clayton <>, “

Daniel Sherwood BS (Conservation)" <>,

Daniel Sonenshine <>,

"Darwin Operario PhD, MPH" <>,

Dave Gaullier PhD <>,

"Davey, Angel M CIV USARMY MEDCOM CDMRP (US)" <>, "David Blythe -DHMH- MD, MPH" <>,

David Crum -MDH- <>,


"David Hoel PhD, CAPT, MSC, USN" <>,

"David Nielsen CPT USARMY MEDCOM PHCR-N (US)" <>, David Pecor BA <>,

"David Reiher (DHMH)" <>,

David Sanders PhD <>,

"David Stiltner BBA, BSW" <>,

Debra Aplan RN <>,

Dennis Grab PhD (HOPKINS) <>,

Diane Ameen <>,

Dina Fonseca PhD (RUTGERS)<>,

Donna Gugel MHS <>,

Doreen Robinson PhD <>,

Doug Norris (HOPKINS) <>,

Douglas Roscoe PhD <>,

Edward M Wakem DVM <>,

Elaina Kohles <>,

Elise Gruber <>,

Elizabeth McGovern (CARY INSTITUTE) <>,

Ellen Stromdahl <>,

Emily Cisney <>,

Emma Stout BS <>,

Eric Dotseth MS <>,

Eric Weinstein BA <>,

Erica Mihm BS (HOPKINS) <>,

Erika Machtinger PhD (USDA) <>,

"Erin Atkins BS, MPH" <>,

Erin Heller MS <>,

"Evan M Bloch MD, MS" (HOPKINS) <>,

Evan Skowronski PhD <>,

Filipinas Caliboso MS <>,

Garrett Heck <>,

"Gaye Williams (MDA)" <>,

George Millward PhD <>,


"Giovanna Capri DVM, PhD” (YALE) <>,

"Glenn Olsen DVM, PhD" <>,

Grace Hummell BS <>,

Graham Hickling PhD <>,

Gregory Glass (HOPKINS- UGH!) <>,

"Heather Rutz MCRP, MHS" <>,

Heidi St John MS <>,

Holly Gaff PhD <>,

Howard Ginsberg PhD <>,

"Ian Tracy BS, REHS" <>,

Jacob Casper DVM <>,

James Broyhill BS <>,

James Cockey MD <>,

"James Fedorko BS, MS" <>,

James J Butler CIV USARMY MEDCOM PHCR-N <>, James L Occi <>,

James Swauger <>,

Jan Ginsky <>,

Jan Markowitz PhD <>,

"Jane Huffman PhD, MPH" <>,

Janet Jensen BS <>,

Janet Thomas <>,

Jason Carlyon <>,

Jay Gandy PhD <>,

Jean Tsao <>,

Jean Tsao <>,

Jeffrey Buler PhD <>,

Jennifer Jones MPH <>,

Jennifer Mcclure (UNIV MARYLAND) <>,

Jennifer Stough (PENNSYLVANIA GOV) <>,

Jeremy Marshall <>,

"Jessica Ong RN, BSN" <>,

Jessica Shiltz MPH <>,

Jie Feng PhD (HOPKINS) <>,


"Jim Occi MA, MS” (RUTGERS) <>,

Jittawadee Murphy PhD <>,

Jo Chapman <>,

John Aucott MD (HOPKINS) <>,

"John M. Orr MS" <>,

John Orr MS <>,

Jordan Cahoon -DHMH- MPH <>,

"Jordan Raphael BS, MS” (NATIONAL PARK SERVICE) <>,

Jorge Arias <>,

Jory Brinkerhoff PhD <>,

"Jose Pizarro MS, PhD" <>,

Joshua Smith MS <>,

Ju Jiang <>,

Julie Kennell BS <>,

Kacie Chern BS <>,

Kaetlyn Jackson MS (NATIONAL PARK SERVICE) <>,

Kamal Chauhan PhD (USDA) <>,

"Karen Sitter LVT, MPH" <>,

Karey Minor-McCauley RN <>,

Karyn Havas <>,

"Katherine Edwards PhD, MS, BS" <>,

Katherine Feldman (RETIRED/TRANSFER) DVM <>,

Kathleen Kortte PhD (HOPKINS) <>,

Kevin Harkins BCE <>,

Khurram Qadri <>,

"Kiersten Kugeler PhD, MPH” (CDC) <>,

Kimberly Terneus-Fischer <>,

"Koya Allen MSPH, MS, PhD" <>,

Lane Songer -DHMH- <>,

"Laura Beimfohr BS, MS" <>,

Laura Pfeiffer BA <>,

Laura Tourdot MPH <>,

Lauren Lochstampfor BS <>,

Layla Jimerson -DHMH- BS <>,

"Leah Chapman BS, MS" <>,

Lee McPhatter PhD <>,

Leena Trivedi PhD <>,

Lewis Long PhD <>,

Lilly Nam BS <>,

"Lindsey Linthicum BS, LEHS" <>,

"Lisa Math BS, DVM, MS" <>,

"Lise Nigrovic MD, MPH” (HARVARD) <>,

Lou Trescott <>,

"Lucy Wilson -DHMH- MD ScM" <>,

Luke Mitchell <>,

Marcelo Ramalho-Ortigao <>,

Maria Gutierrez PhD (HOPKINS) <>,

Maria Hille MS <>,

Maria Strohecker <>,

"Marilyn M. White -MDA-" <>,

Marilyn Williams <>,

"Mark Feldlaufer MS, PhD” (USDA) <>,

Mark Smith MS <>,

Mark Soloski PhD (HOPKINS) <>,

Martina Siwek PhD <>,

Mary Armolt -DHMH- <>,

Mary Vince <>,

Matt Folley -DoIT- <>,


Mauricio Solis <>,

Meagan Marshall BS <>,

Megan Galvin -MDH- <>,

"Megan Reller MD, PhD, MPH” (HOPKINS) <>,

Meiling Webb PhD (USDA) <>,

Melanie Sal <>,

"Melissa Miller K CIV USARMY MEDCOM (US)" <>, Melissa Taylor BS <>,

Michael A Eckhaus VMD (NIH) <>,

"Michael Campbell MS (Forestry)" <>,

"Michael Hartenstine PhD, BS" <>,

Michael Hutchinson MS (PENNSYLVANIA GOV) <>,

Michael Melia MD (HOPKINS) <>,

Michael Murphy <>,

"Miguella Mark-Carew AB, PhD" <>,

Mikaila Milton (NATIONAL PARK SERVICE) <>,

"Misty Joy MPH, BS" <>,

Monte Skall MFA <>,

"Montique Shepherd BS, MS" <>,

"Nadine Ramos DVM, PhD” (HHS) <>,

Nathan Kurtanich -DHMH- BS <>,

Nathaniel Nagle BS <>,

Nicole Chinnici MB <>,

Niketa M Jani PhD <>,

Nina Stewart MPH <>,

"Pam Garrettson MS, PhD" <>,

Pamela Andrews <>,

Pamela Kelman BS <>, “

Passman, Bedestani P MAJ USARMY (US)" <>,

Pat Ryan MSc <>,

Patrick Brown BS <>,

Patrick Roden-Reynolds BS <>,


Paul Lantos MD (DUKE & DIRTY) <>,

Paul Schaudies BA <>,

Paula Lado MSc <>,

Paula Mischler PhD <>,

Penny Masuoka <>,

Phil Norman <>,

"Rachael Straver DVM, MPH" <>,

"Rachel Westerlund VMD, DACVPM, MPH" <>,

Rebecca Deegan <>,

Rebecca Kelly <>,

Rebecca Sauceda AA <>,

Rebekka Lueptow MPH <>,

Reed Mitchell MS <>,

Rich St Clair MBA <>,

Richard Brooks -DHMH- <>,

Richard G Robbins PhD <>,

Richard Humbert -DHMH- <>,

Richard Marconi <>,

Rob Armstrong DVM DVSc (MERCK) <>,

Robert Jordan PhD (NEW JERSEY) <>,

Robert Kutchman -DHMH- <>,

Robert Myers <>,

"Robert von Tersch BS, PhD" <>,

"Robyn Nadolny BS, MS" <>,

"Ros Bowersett DVM, MPH" <>,

"Rosanne Radavich MS, BS" <>,

Ruth Thompson BS <>,

Sara Reilly -MDH- <>,

Sarah Hook MA (CDC) <>,

Sarah Legare MPH <>,

"Scott Norton MD, MPH, MSc" <>,

Scott P *HS Commins <>,

Sean Griffin <>,

Shannon Tepe BS <>,

Sharon Nachman MD (HOPKINS) <>,

"Shawn M. Kiernan MPH" <>,

"Shu Yang Hu BSc, MHS” (HOPKINS) <>,

"Siu Ping Turk RN, BSN” (NIH) <>,

Solny G Adalsteinsson MS <>,

Sonya Zawada MS <>,

Stephanie Crawford MPH <>,

Steven Krieg <>,

"Takaaki Kobayashi BM, MD” (HOPKINS) <>,

Tammy Wyatt <>,

Terry Klein PhD <>,

Thomas Burja BS <>,

Thomas Burroughs <>,

Thomas Platts-Mills <>,

Thomas Simmons PhD <>,

Tim Burton MS <>,

"Timothy P. Christensen" <>,

Todd E LCDR NMRC Myers PhD <>,

Tom Barnes BS <>,

Tony John MSPH <>,

"Tracy DuVernoy DVM, MPH" <>,

Tyler Henning ScM (HOPKINS) <>,

"Valeria Culotta, PhD" (HOPKINS) <>,

Valerie Huelsman <>,

Vanessa Gomez BS <>,

Victor M De Armas MAJ <>,

Vincent D'Amico <>,

Wanliang Shi PhD (HOPKINS) <>,

Wayne Hynes PhD <>,

Wendy Cochran <>,

"William (CDC/CCID/NCZVED) Nicholson" <>,

William Coello-Sanchez MS <>,

"William Meredith BS, MS, PhD” (DELAWARE) <>,

Xiaolong Yang PhD <>,

Yasmine Hentati (UNIV MARYLAND) <>,

"Ying Zhang MD, PhD” (HOPKINS) <>,

"Yvonne Higgins MAS, MS/ITS” (HOPKINS) <>,

"Yvonne Linton PhD, BSc" <>,

Zachary McCormic D CTR USARMY MEDCOM MPH <>,

Zachary McCormic MPH <>,

"Zia Mehr MS, BCE" <>

Hello tick-interested friends,

Presentation options:

a) 10 minute talks (with 5 minutes for Q&A)

b) Posters (to be mounted only, no projection)

To register and to submit presentation topics for consideration, please:

1) Complete our brief survey including the title and brief summary of your presentation (yourabstract). The preferred method of registration is:


Happy 2018, and Mid-Atlantic Tick Summit VII here we come! We have opened up registration for Tick SummitVII and are soliciting topics for oral or poster presentation. The deadline for submitting a topic is February 7. The deadline for registration is February 14. Tick Summit VII will be held on February 21, 2018.

2) If you have attempted to register online, but are unable to due to your institution’s firewall/security, then reply to this email with a fully completed Tick Summit Registration Form (attached). In the event your email service strips the form off of this email, we will need your full contact information (including cell phone number); whether you would like an oral presentation or poster; the title and brief summary of your presentation; and your lunch selection (beef, ham, turkey, tuna, or vegetarian).

If we have more talk requests than can be accommodated, the Planning Committee reserves the right to suggest that a poster be presented in lieu of a talk. Please assume that your audience will have a basic understanding of ticks for your talk.

Other details:

Venue: National Wildlife Visitor Center at Patuxent Research Refuge (10901 Scarlet Tanager Loop, Laurel, MD20708) (this is the same venue as for the previous year’s Tick Summits)

Date: Wednesday, 21 February, 2018 (inclement weather date is 28 February, 2018)

The areas of focus for Tick Summit VII are ticks and tick-borne disease in the Mid-Atlantic region. Our goals are to:

* Report on all aspects of tick and pathogen research, applied sciences, and public health.

* Establish relationships for future collaborations.

Cost and lunch: This great one-day conference is free; however, the refuge requires that lunch be provided by a certified caterer. Groups and individuals may not bring their own food or beverages. Box lunches (sandwich,pickle spear, chips, cookie and drink) will be provided for attendees at a cost of $12/each. Please bring $12 inCASH, to the conference. We are unable to process credit or debit cards. Lunches must be pre-ordered. No other food will be available at the conference. Thank you for your cooperation with this requirement.

The Patuxent Wildlife Refuge does not have Wi-Fi. Please plan your day accordingly.

Please forward this email to any other individual or institution in this area that is working on ticks or tickborne disease issues.

If you have questions or suggestions, please reply to this email or contact Heather Rutz at the Maryland Department of Health ( or 410-767-4951), Robyn Nadolny at United States Army Public Health Center at 410-436-5425, or Ben Pagac at United States Army PublicHealth Center at 301-677-3932.

We look forward to seeing you at the Mid-Atlantic Tick Summit VII!

On behalf of the Mid-Atlantic Tick Summit VII Planning Committee,

Heather Rutz


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