Hospital Christmas Toy Drive

By: Anna and Emma

Project Description

We, Anna and Emma, are collecting toys for kids in the hospital this Christmas! The hospital we chose is Holy Cross Hospital. We plan on delivering the toys on December 21st from 5-7 p.m. to the children there. 


Holy Cross Hospital is the local hospital near where both of us, Anna and Emma, live. We pass it on a daily basis and we thought that this would be the best option for where the toys go to. We hope that this brought a smile to kids' faces!

We chose this project in specific because we both have a drive and passion to help others. We like to make people happy and especially during Christmas time. We thought this was the perfect project for us because we love Christmas, the location was great, and we genuinely wanted to help out this holiday season. 

This was the flyer that we handed out to bring awareness to our project. We handed out flyers at drop off, dismissal, and our school's Christmas Tree Lighting. On the flyer is a QR code and when scanned, a link to an Amazon wish list comes up. This wish list is full of wanted items from the kids at the hospital. Items from this wish list were bought and delivered to the school for us to pick up and deliver.


Throughout this project, we have grown and become more understanding. We have gotten a different perspective on how others are living and everyday hardships. This toy drive also showed us how to be leaders, and have a say in our community. We loved the entire experience and are planning on starting it up again maybe in high school.