Lesson 9: Likes-Dislikes & Hobbies

Dialogue 1

Lesson 09 - Dialogue 1.m4a

A: John, ça to linm fé kan to travay pa?
B: Mo linm bwa labyær é asit prenn lafrèsh enn lagalri.
A: Ça senm bon. To kout lamizik?
B: Wi, mo linm ça osit. Zen dê fwa mo kout lamizik tandi m’apé asit ònn lagalri.
A: Mo linm péshé kan mo gin tem.
B: Ki kalité pwason to linm trapé?
A: Mo linm trapé dê patasa parske yé gou bon. Mo linm pa tro pwason-armin, la.
B: Proshin fwa to trap in pwason-armin, mènn mò ça!

A: John, what do you like to do when you don’t work?
B: I like to drink beer and take the air on the porch.
A: That sounds good. Do you listen to music?
B: Yes, I like that too. Sometimes I listen to music while I’m sitting on the porch.
A: I like to fish when I have time.
B: What kind of fish do you like to catch?
A: I like to catch sunfish because they taste good. I don’t like gar too much.
B: Next time you catch a gar, bring it to me!

Dialogue 2

Lesson 09 - Dialogue 2.m4a

C: OK, mô fiy, ça t’olé fé? T’olé monté bisik?
D: Non!
C: T’olé kouri najé?
D: Non!
C: Alòr, ça ina èk twa?
D: To promèt pou ménné mò gété “The Princess and the Frog”! To fé særmen!

C: OK, my girl, what do you want to do? Do you want to ride your bike?
D: No!
C: Do you want to go swimming?
D: No!
C: So what’s up with you?
D: You promised to take me to watch “The Princess and the Frog”! You swore you would!


One hobby we didn’t mention: learning Creole! To linm aprenn Kréyòl? No swèt to linm ça! You’re now halfway through the lessons: bon djòb! You’re now also one of many people who are working hard to reclaim and revitalize the Louisiana Creole language. On this website, you’ll find a section called More Resources — here you can find places to practice what you’ve learned, ask questions and join the community of people learning and speaking every day. Come join us!


Ça to linm fé? - What do you like to do?

Mo linm… - I like…

Mo linm pa… - I don’t like... ; see Grammar Sketch.

linmé, linm - to like; to love

ékri - to write

fé lashas - to hunt

shasé, shas - to hunt

lir, li - to read

jwé, jou - to play

kouté lamizik - to listen to music

gété pòrtré - to watch a movie

galopé, galòp - to run

monté shval - to ride a horse

péshé, pèsh - to fish

monté bisik - to ride a bike

najé, naj - to swim

Asit prenn lafrèsh enn lagalri. - Taking the air on the porch.