Lesson 5: Family, This-That & Singular-Plural

Dialogue 1

Lesson 05 - Dialogue 1.m4a

A: Ki moun nonm-çála?
B: Li çé mô frær.
A: Kwa çé sô nom?
B: Sô nom çé Robert, mé sô ti-nom çé Ti-Rob.
A: Kombyin frær to gin?
B: Mo gin ènn frær é dé sœr. Mô frær-yé pi résté isit.
A: Ça-fé, fenm-la çé tô sœr?
B: Non, çé mô kouzinn.

A: Who’s that man?
B: That’s my brother.
A: What’s his name?
B: His name is Robert, but is nickname is Ti-Rob.
A: How many brothers do you have?
B: I have one brother and two sisters. My brothers don’t live here anymore.
A: So, that woman is your sister?
B: No, that’s my cousin.

Dialogue 2

Lesson 05 - Dialogue 2.m4a

C: Kombyin moun yé gin dan tô famiy?
D: Ina sink moun: mò, mô pær, mô nonk, mô tant, é mô kouzin.
C: É tô mær?
D: Mô moman mouri trò zan pasé.
C: Ô, mo shagrin.
D: Mærsi; mò osit.

C: How many people do you have in your family?
D: There are five people: me, my father, my uncle, my aunt and my cousin.
C: And your mother?
D: My mother died three years ago.
C: Oh, I’m sorry.
D: Thank you; me too.


Try drawing a family tree. Practice the names of family members by pointing to different people and saying things like: Li çé mô moman / She’s my Mom, or Li çé ti-zenfan a mô popa / He’s the grandchild of my grandfather. Next, count how many family members you have: Kombyin moun yé gin dan tô famiy? Finally, if you label your family tree in Creole, it could make a neat poster!


moun/paren - people, relatives

mær (moman) - mother (mom)

pær (popa) - father (dad)

fenm - woman

nonm - man

Misyé - Mister

Madamm - Ma’am

frær - brother

sœr - sister

zenfan/piti - child

fiy - girl

garçon - boy

gran-paren/gran-moun - grandparents

gran-mær/gran-moman - grandmother

gran-pær/gran-popa - grandfather

ti-zenfan - grandchild

ti-fiy - granddaughter

gran-ti-zenfan - great-grandchild

kouzin - cousin

ina - there are

kombyin - how many

Ki çé nonm-çala? - Who is that man?

Ki çé fenm-çila? - Who is this woman?

Ki monn? - Who?

bèl-mær - mother-in-law

bo-pær - father-in-law

famiy - family

-yé - plural marker, see Grammar Sketch.