Lesson 2: Introductions & Greetings

Dialogue 1

Lesson 02 - Dialogue 1.m4a

A: Bonjou! Ça va?
B: Ç’apé kouri, mærsi. É twa? Komen to yê?
A: Mo byin, mærsi. Ki çé tô nom?
B: Yé pèl mò Joseph. É twa?
A: Mô nom çé Max.
B: Mo konten fé lakònésans avèk twa.
A: Paréy. Orévwar!
B: Orévwar, twa!

A: Hello! How’s it going?
B: It’s going, thanks. And you? How are you?
A: I’m good, thanks. What’s your name?
B: They call me Joseph. And you?
A: My name is Max.
B: I’m happy to meet you.
A: Same. Goodbye!
B: Goodbye!

Dialogue 2

Lesson 02 - Dialogue 2.m4a

C: Hé, Louis! Komen lê zafær?
D: Konm-çi-konm-ça, mèsi.
C: To gin ti-nom?
D: Wi, mo ti-nom çé Lou.
C: Vayan! Mo pa gin ti-nom, mò.
D: Domaj.

C: Hey, Louis! How are things?
D: OK, thanks.
C: Do you have a nickname?
D: Yes, my nickname is Lou.
C: Awesome! I don’t have a nickname, me.
D: Too bad.


What’s your ti-nom? Ti-nom literally means ‘little name’, and it’s not uncommon for people to be better known by this name than by the name on their birth certificate! Some ti-nom are based on Creole and French, others on English, and others are more creative. They can describe how someone looks, behaves, something they’ve done during their life, or a million other things! If you have a ti-nom, do you know where it comes from and what it means? If you don’t, who might give you one? Get acquainted with the Glossary, and see what kinds of words in there might make for a fun ti-nom for yourself, your friends or family!


bonjou hello

bonswa good evening


Komen to yê? How are you?

Komen ça va? How’s it going?

Komen lê zafær? How are things?

Ç’apé kouri? Is it going well?

Mo byin. I’m good.

Mo kagou. I’m out of sorts.

Konm-çi-konm-ça OK, so-so

Mo pa byin. I’m not good.

mærsi thanks

Mô nom çé… My name is...

Ki çé tô nom? What is your name?

Komen to pèl twa? What do you call yourself?

Mo pèl mò… I call myself...

Komen yé pèl twa? What do they call you?

Yé pèl mò… They call me...

To gin ti-nom? Do you have a nickname?

Ki çé tô nom-d-famiy? What’s your family name?

orévwar goodbye

Vwala… Here is...

Mo konten fé lakònésans avèk twa. I’m happy to meet you.

To fé lakònésans avèk…? Have you met… ?

non (pa enkòr) no (not yet)

wi/wé yes

avèk/èk with