Adrien Guillory-Chatman

Adrien Guillory-Chatman is an educator and former school administrator who is a native of Lafayette, Louisiana and lives in the Chicago area. While growing up in Chicago, Kouri-Vini and Louisiana French languages were spoken by her family as well as some neighbors and fellow parishioners. Although Adrien understood the adults around her, she herself only spoke some phrases and words as a child. She always longed to fluently speak the languages of her ancestors. In 2013, she had the opportunity to begin the lifelong journey of learning/relearning Kouri-Vini. Today, her passion lies in assisting others to reclaim their heritage languages, especially individuals who reside in the Louisiana Diaspora. Adrien helps to organize Kouri-Vini tables in Chicago. She is a contributor to various Kouri-Vini forums on social media and created a series of Kouri-Vini family card games. Currently, Adrien is designing a website where children can learn Louisiana Creole.