Lasagna News - March 12th, 2020

rain sets fire to house, 7 killed

A fire was reported this morning. It took 2 hours and 37 firefighters to put it out, as the rain was helping the flames grow bigger. 12 were injured, and 7 died. We mourn the loss of the biggest death, [C], and their relative, McDonalds Guy. It's said the rain started the fire, and they have proof, so we're not gonna disagree.

Adkins rickrolls class

Breaking news 9:11 AM - Mrs. [A] just started playing Never Gonna Give You Up. This is... strange.

Update: [C] and [J2] told her to play the song. I have nothing more to write on this subject.

BREAKING NEWS [j] tries to use my gameboy, held me at gunpoint

Coronavirus fucking dies, guys

(a relic of a more hopeful time)

It's official - the coronavirus has officially been killed! I killed it with a minecraft sword today because I got mad. It ate my pizza rolls >:(((( anyway, it died now.

9 cases so far in Arizona (as of 10:30 AM) . Wash your hands, please.

Kitten seen again

Kitten Deathlight spotted on children playground, and we tried to get an exclusive interview. Should she be sent behind bars for harassing young children? Or should we let the furry saga continue?


Fun fact of the day!

Vector is best husbando.

Questions Column

THE GAY LORD asks: Who's your favorite person?

either [k] or [a] cant decide

Link of the Day