Lasagna News - July 2nd, 2020

Bird commits mass genocide; 15 dead

Olive, bird of Will A, was found this Thursday morning with a knife and 15 dead bodies. 3 were identified as Sans Undertale, Sans Deltarune, and Joe Mama.

The bird, a cockatiel, flew away out a window, leaving behind one crucial piece of evidence: the knife used. Nobody has any idea how this was started. Police search Will's home and found him dead too, 12 stab wounds to the penis. Memorials for the 16 deceased people will be at put adress here on put time here.

Rat seen smoking weed

We don't know who took this photo, or why it was sent to our mail, but it was. And it's glorious. This rat, unidentified, was first seen smoking weed on August 25, 2018. He was seen again, on Wednesday, smoking the same joint. Witnesses say that the rat disappeared into nothing, but not before saying the only true words spoken by god;

Change da world.. my final message. goodb ye

"Penis Music" by Fried Fish hits shelves worldwide

Penis Music, a remix of the song Rubberband by Jackal Queenston, with clips from the movie Megamind, had its first physical release today.

When asked for an interview, the artist didn't respond.

Anyways, Fish is hoping for a concert soon, after the COVID-19 pandemic is done with.

Photo (c) Dingle Bingle Eyes on Pringle 2020

Questions Column

ANON asks: Who the hell is joe?

One of the several killed this morning. or unless you mean jOE M-

WILLIAM asks: will you please end my suffering?

No, you fucking piss boy.

THOMPSON TOM asks: Quetzal OST when

when i get around to it you dingleberry

The Finest Memes, in all the land.

Link of the Day (sorry, couldn't figure out how to make it embed like usual)