La mia scala Z

Locomotive a vapore


 FS Gr623

FS Gr623.473, Bassano del Grappa,15/04/1965, photo © Claudio pedrazzini from

In the years 1952-1953  45 locomotives of the class 625 were converted  into the class 623 with the addition of two side-mounted Franco-Crosti pre-boiler stages.

The gr623 showed good savings in coal consumption, though at a time in which it made no longer a difference. As steam was being progressively replaced by diesel and electric traction, saving of 10% on an abundant commodity did not matter.

However, the more complex maintenance these machines required made their fate. To maintain efficiency, the pre-boilers required frequent cleaning..  Sadly they were retired earlier than the class 625 they came from, with not a single specimen surviving the torch.

I found the Franco Crosti locomotives very interesting to reproduce so like FS I derived my gr623 design from my gr625 design.

Every operation to make the model is identical to the one written for the gr623.

FS Gr625

Si parte con i modelli disponibili su shapeways  della scocca e del tender da 12mc entrambi in Smooth/Smoothest Detail Plastics. Per una migliore riuscita consiglio il secondo.

La scocca si dipinge bene con colori puravest (nero semilucido e rosso segnale), dopo averla lavata in soluzione di acqua calda (la massima temperatura di un rubinetto), ammoniaca e sgrassatore. 15 minuti in una vasca ad utrasuoni o un paio d'ore sul termosifone. Il modello ha parti sottilissime e quindi bisogna maneggiarlo con moltissima cura.

Io per evitare rotture  faccio due cose:

Il tender è facilissimo, una volta dipinto basta inserire gli assali Märklin mini club.

Per la locomotiva invece bisogna tribolare un po'.

Il telaio di una BR24 va bene anche se le ruote sono equi-spaziate e non con passo differente come nella gr625 vera.

Comunque mi accontento del rodiggio tedesco.

Poi la Br24 si trova a prezzi ragionevoli. Questa l'ho presa per 60 euro inclusa la spedizione.

Smontata la scocca, sulla BR24 bisogna:

A questo punto il telaio dovrebbe entrare facilmente nella cassa 

Il motore sporge di un paio di millimetri dalla cabina pur rimanendo abbondantemente sotto il tetto. Ma siccome c'è il tender a chiudere lo spazio dietro alla cabina,questo problema non disturba molto l'estetica della loco.

Cosa manca:

FS Gr625.386 (with Caprotti valve gear) Catanzaro, 1959, Photo © John D. Blyth from

The 625  class made a relatively large group of  all-use steam locomotives. The class included locomotives originally produced under new design, but also locomotives  transformed from the  older class 600. Many of the transformed 600 class had the Caprotti valve gear. This valve gear is very suitable for reproduction in Z scale as, unlike the Walschaert valve gear, the Caprotti has just one linkage. 

The loco was mostly attached to the standard T12 three axis tender.

Hence my model is exactly made of these two items (1), (2).

These can be painted in black and rosso segnale (3).

The motor plant comes from a Märklin mini-club Br24 (4).  This is a decent first order approximation, as the Br24 has equal spacing between drivers, while the 625 has an uneven spacing.

The motor plant requires quite some rework, including thinning, shortening and lowering. All operations to be done with a good set of files.

Even with all this cutting the motor will be visible in the back of the cabin, but so was in the Br24.

Inserting the wheelset is instead the only thing that needs to be done on the tender (7).

Overall not the simplest kitbashing but also not the most difficult.

The result is good and it has sufficient properties to pull quite some wagons.

FS Gr640

173 di queste locomotive furono prodotte nel periodo tra il  1907 e il 1911 dalla Schwarzkopf di Berlino, dalla Breda di Milano e da altri costruttori italiani.

Per la loro eleganza, queste locomotive furono soprannominate 'signorine'.

Sono molto simili alla classe 625, dalla quale differiscono per le dimensioni delle motrici che sono molto più grandi nella gr640, che doveva trainare treni leggeri più veloci.

Ci è voluto un po' di tempo per realizzare questa locomotiva perché ho atteso a lunco, prima di trovare finalmente un set di ruote adatto messo su ebay.

Per questa locomotiva ho dovuto progettare un telaio completamente nuovo. Ho adottato una posizione insolita del motore, posto all'interno della caldaia.

Questo per consentire l'effetto di vuoto fra caldaia e telaio che si può apprezzare nella locomotiva reale.

L'intero modello è composto da 3 parti stampate in 3D:

Il guscio è fissato al telaio facendo scorrere il motore nella caldaia.

Questa disposizione lascia la cabina completamente vuota.

Le prese di corrente sono realizzate in filo di bronzo fosforoso che tocca le piastre interne delle ruote.

Le proprietà di guida mi sembrano molto buone.

FS Gr 640 121 al deposito di Rimini li 7/6/2008 photo © Sandro Baldi, from


173 of these locomotives were produced in the period 1907 and 1911, by Schwarzkopf of Berlin, Breda of Milan and other Italian manufacturer.

For their elegance, these locomotives were nicknamed 'signorine'.

They appear identical to the class 625, from which they differ by the size of the drivers which are much larger in the gr640, which was meant to pull faster light trains.

It took quite some time to make this locomotive as I had to wait long to finally see a suitable set of wheels put on ebay.

For this locomotive I had to design a complete new chassis. I adopted an unusual position of the motor, placed within the boiler.

This to allow the see-through effect that you can appreciate in the real locomotive.

The whole model is made of 3 3D printed parts: 

The shell is attached to the chassis by sliding the motor into the boiler.

This arrangement leaves the cabin completely empty. 

Current pick-ups are made of phosporous-bronze wire that touches the inner plates of the wheels.

The riding properties are very good.


The FS group 685 design was derived from the group 680 one by changing to superheated steam and single expansion engine. The design was produced by the Florence Design Office of the FS for pulling fast passenger trains on the main lines.

Initially 271 locomotives were produced, of these 30 had Caprotti system valve distribution, they entered service starting from 1912 and served till 1976.

Considering the excellent performance of the group, between 1921 and 1930 FS carried out the transformation into 685 of a large quantity of 680 locomotives which gave rise to the 685.300 series (with Walschaerts distribution) and 685.500 (with Caprotti distribution).

The 685 have been considered the best performing steamers of FS, and were nicknamed 'regine' (queens).

They have had a number of derivatives as well.

4 locomotives were equipped with the Franco-Crosti pre-heater and also received a beautiful streamlined cover. 1 locomotive got the motor replaced by a steam turbine.

One day I may reproduce these, today I have reproduced the version with Caprotti system distribution, which, having no control rods, is particularly suitable for a reproduction in Z.

The chassis has the motor placed into the boiler, this allows a cabin completely empty.

The motor feeds, with a reduction 2:1, a transmission shaft that engages the wheel pinions by means of three worms.

Drivers are from a bastler Märklin steamer while for the two bissels I have used nickel strips cut and folded to hold wheelsets coming from other bastler Märklin steamers.Considering that the locomotive has a tender on bogies, I have decided to place the pick-ups on the tender. By using Japanese style wheels one can realise pick-ups with no additional friction.

The first print of the model was equipped with motor, gears ,wheelsets and distribution rods and it worked immediately.. The tender you see in the video is provisional and built using two unpowered shorty bogies.

FS Gr736 (ex USATC S160)

L'US Army Transportation Corps già nel 1941 commissionò la produzione di un gran numero di queste locomotive.

Migliaia di esse furono  ammassati in Galles prima del D-day.

Alla fine della guerra, le FS acquistarono 243 di queste locomotive. Altre 6 locomotive vennero recuperate da una nave affondata in un porto italiano, di queste 5 poterono essere messe in servizio.

Molti paesi europei hanno acquisito S160, tra cui Polonia (575 unità), Austria (30), Cecoslovacchia (80), Grecia (52), Ungheria (510), Spagna (6) e Jugoslavia (80).

Le FS raggrupparono le s160 nella classe 736, che servi prevalentemente per il traffico merci su linee a forte pendenza, terminando il servizio in Sicilia alla fine degli anni '60.

Ho usato come meccanica per questo modello il telaio di una Br55. Mentre le dimensioni e la distanza delle ruote corrispondono bene al vero, il motore elettrico sporge troppo dalla cabina.

Dovrò realizzare un telaio su misura in una versione futura. Per ora mi accontento.

USATC S160 2-8-0s stored at Penrhos Junction 
Gr736.114  Photo © Hans J. Rosemberger

The US Army Transportation Corps already in 1941 commissioned the production of a great number of these locomotives. 

Thousands of them were massed in Wales ahead of D-day.

At the end of the war, the FS purchased 243 of these locomotives. 6 other locomotives were recovered from a ship sunk in an Italian port,  of these 5 could be put into service.

Many European countries acquired S160s, including Poland (575 units) , Austria (30), Czechoslovakia (80), Greece (52), Hungary (510), Spain (6) and Yugoslavia(80).

FS grouped the  s160  in the class 736, which served prevalently for freight traffic on graded lines, finishing service in Sicily at the end of the 60s.

I have used as power plant for this model the chassis of a Br55. While wheel size and spacing matches well the prototype, the electric motor protrudes too much from the cabin. 

I will have to make a bespoke chassis in a future version. For now I will live with the shortcoming.

FS Gr741 

Gr741.320,  a Fortezza,  Photo © Werner Hardmeier


FS Gr743

Il modello è disponibile su shapeways così come quello del tender da 22 metri cubi.

Per la motorizzazione ho usato la solita Br55 .

Ci sono due interventi da fare sul telaio. Il primo è tagliare il pezzo di metallo che sporge al di sopra delle prese di corrente.

Il secondo è quello di rastremare il motore sulle fiancate, in modo da ottenere delle fiancate lisce.

 Gr 743.366 a Padova, 1974, Photo © Enrico Paulatti

The class 743 was derived in 1934 by the transformation of a number of  locomotives of the class 740. These saw the addition of 2 Franco-Crosti pre-heaters. The heaters use the fumes of the main boiler to pre-heat the cold water reaching the boiler.  

I always liked these odd-looking locomotives. In Z they also present the advantage that some extra ballast can be added in the body of the pre-heaters.

The body is 3D printed together with standard FS  22mˆ3 tender and its bogies.

For the motor plant I used the usual Märklin mini-club Br55 to which I added a front bissel.

The Br55 chassis needs to be reworked. First the metal top of the chassis need to be removed. Then the font walkboard needs to be cut. Finally the motor needs to be filed on the sides so that they appear flat and not bulging.

FS Gr800.008 (cubo)

original class 60
Fs Gr800.008 In Turin in the mid of the year 70's. Today at Pietrarsa national Railwailways museum.

The FS class 60 was a group of 85 combined steam-locomotive/baggage-car/postal-car.

They had been conceived to pull very minimalistic trains (just 1 passenger car) on lines that had little traffic, thus reducing costs to the minimum.

The idea, however, did not work as power was very limited and it did not allow adding additional cars in the not-so-uncommon case of more passengers than one single car could accommodate.

So after few years of unsatisfactory use, the class was scrapped, few units were transformed in heating cars and 16 units were transformed in small switchers, with the suppression of the baggage/postal compartment and the idle axle.

The switchers were grouped in the class 800, even though they were known to all railways people by the name of 'cubo' (Italian for cube) due to the very boxy shape.

Most switchers of the class 800 were sold to industrial plants for in-plant switching. Very few remained in service with only one surviving the scrapyard and now at the beautiful FS railway museum at Pietrarsa (Napoli). 

I have realised this locomotive in Z scale. The part I found appealing is that the boiler is placed vertically and in Z scale has the same dimensions of the Chinese micromotors I use. So it was possible to to make a model that has a cabin interior similar to reality.

The model [1] is made just of 2 3D-printed parts. The cabin and the chassis.

The latter hosts the motor, mounted vertically, which engages with its worm an asymmetrical chain of cogs leading to the two wheelsets.

I have used 2 wheels from my stock of bastelware-Br89s, and the two power rods from the same wreck.

FS Gr835

Ho sviluppato il modello di questa locomotiva in maniera da usare il telaio motore di una Märklin Br89

Quindi ho preparato prima di tutto un modello semplificato  (1) che ho poi ho stampato in resina trasparente (2).

Ció mi ha consentito di trovare gli adattamenti al telaio Märklin ed alla scocca affinché  potessero combaciare (3).

Il telaio Märkin va privato di tutte le cose non necessarie e poi va accorciato sul retro (lampadina, condensatore di filtro, respingenti e ganci), in maniera che la scatola del motore sia a filo con il telaio di metallo (4).

Con un pò di taglia, incolla, lima e raffina credo di avere ottenuto il giusto equilibrio (5).

Ora posso riportare i cambiamenti sul modello CAD, arricchirlo di particolari e  fare le stampe definitive.

Foto Giuseppe Perrone / da: Mondo Ferroviario 46 da Marklinfan

This was the first locomotive of FS specifically built as switcher.

370 of these switchers were built from 1906 to 1922 and served in Italian yards till 1984.

I developed this model to use a motor plant from the Br89 Märklin mini-club.

In order to ascertain the compatibility with the Br89 power plant, I created a first coarse model in CAD (1).

I then printed it in transparent resin (2).

The transparency helps in detecting volumetric interference

Eventually, by operating on the power plant and on shell I got a good match (3).

The Br89 chassis needs to be spoiled of couplers, lamp, capacitor. It needs also to be shortened at the back so that the motor block is flushed with the metal base (4).

FS Gr880

Alcune 880 sono state noleggiate dalle FSE per un pó di anni.

Quindi era d'obbligo farla.

Il modello (1) è interamente fatto in resine e stampato in casa. Una resina di dettaglio per la cassa (caldaia, cabina, pancone e respingenti ) ed una resina dura per il telaio (incluso cilindri e pancone anteriore).

Le ruote sono state donate da una Märklin Br76 tranne il ruotino che è stampato anche esso in 3D e metallizzato con la tecnica di elettrodeposizione.

Le ruote rispettano l'anomalia Italiana della spaziatura diversa fra coppie di assi motori.

La trasmissione usa solo due ingranaggi extra (ovviamente tutto M0.2)

(4) Ruote ed ingranaggi vengo bloccate da due barrette di ottone avvitate al resto con vitine M1. Il bissel è realizzato con foglio di ottone da 0.5mm ripiegato su una dima stampata.

La cassa si inserisce a pressione sul telaio (5) , lasciando la cabina completamente libera (volendo potrei riprodurre il forno, ma tanto chi lo vede?)

La presa di corrente è su tutte le ruote motrici.

Una prova (6) sull'ovalino ha dimostrato che pero lo schema di presa non consentiva velocità minime (la loco si fermava senza assorbimento di corrente).

Quindi dovrò rivedere il concetto di presa corrente.

Questo è stato fatto in un nuovo modello che ha anche una riproduzione del biellismo (7). Le bielle sono stampate in piano  e fissate alle ruote con chiodini Amati torniti. Sono soddisfatto della soluzione che ho trovato per accoppiare la biella e l'asta dello stantuffo. Si tratta di filo sottilissimo di rame intrecciato a formare un 8 attorno agli anelli della beiella e dell'asta dello stantuffo. Funziona molto bene.


Fs  gr880.030 nel Deposito Locomotive di Cremona  © Wener Hardmeier 1975, da

The group 880 has been the longest serving steam tank engine in Italy. The last engine was switched off in 1978. My interest in this locomotive is motivated by the fact that few of these engines were loaned by FS to the FSE.


The model I made has been completely 3D printed at home in 2 different resins. One hig-detail one for the shell and one tough one for the chassis.

Drivers come from a Märklin Br76, while the front bissel wheel is also 3D printed and electroplated in copper (2).

The gear train uses also one gearwheel from the Br76 and one larger M0.2t30 gearwheel to engage with the worm.

The motor is inserted into a cavity in the chassis (3).

Drivers (4) are inserted from the bottom and are locked in place by two 1x1mm brass strips. The strips are bolted to the chassis by means of  four M1 screws. The bissel is cut-out with 0.5 mm brass sheet and folded in shape.

The chassis is made to tight fit in the shell (5) and leave some space for lead ballast.

Electric pickups are on every driver.A first test of the locomotive shows good 'running' performance.  However  at low speed a problem of current pick-up shows. So I will need to modify the pickups.

This is part of the new elaboration of the model, in which the trasmission rods are added.

The valve gear and transmission rods have been reproduced in 'flat' 3D print. Their functioning is shown in the movie (7). I am rather satisfied for the solution I found for linking the main rod and the piston rod. This is realised by a copper wire that wraps in a 8-shaped knot around the terminal eyes of the piston rod and the main rod. This allows the two rods to be coupled with limited freedom of motion.


After few years I came back to the design of the chassis. I took the opportunity of the new 6mm motors for 12V now available.

These motors are 1.5 times longer than the one used in the first chassis version, but they provide a lot more torque and at lower speed.

So I had to change quite a lot in the transmission.

The new chassis mounts the motor in the opposite direction than V1. It leaves enough space to include some lead ballast [8].

The outside of the has also seen a slight increase in detailing.

The result is more satisfactory in terms of speed.


FS Gr940

La scocca di partenza è il modello disponibile su shapeways in Frosted Ultra Detail (FUD) e Frosted Extreme Detail (FXD). Per una buona riuscita consiglio il FXD.

La scocca si dipinge bene con colori puravest (nero semilucido e rosso segnale), dopo averla lavata in soluzione di acqua calda (la massima temperatura di un rubinetto), ammoniaca e sgrassatore. 15 minuti in una vasca ad utrasuoni o un paio d'ore sul termosifone. Il modello ha parti sottilissime e quindi bisogna maneggiarlo con moltissima cura. 

Io per evitare rotture  faccio due cose:

Ho trovato una Br55 Märklin per poco, cosí ho approntato un altra locomotiva (rispetto alla realizzazione iniziale basata su due telai BR89 uniti.

Le modifiche al telaio Br55 dono poche ma non  reversibili: bisogna tagliare la staffa che fa da supporto alla scocca, ed accorciare il pancone, per fare spazio per il carrello italiano.

gr 940.041 a Bussoleno, 2009, Photo © Minuetto80

The Class 940 was designed for the  Appeninian railways, in oder to negotiate gradients up to 2.7%. It was based on the successful plant of the class 740 which was morphed in a tank design with the inclusion of very large side water tanks, a coal store and a rear bissel to enable reverse speeds equal to the forward ones.

The result is for me the most beautiful tank engine I have seen.

Reading camelback 0-6-0 

I am not into American railroad modelling, though I was momentarily fascinated by the exotic ugliness (hence beauty) of the camelback.

So I modelled this 0-6-0 of which I found drawings on a model forum.

It is actually not a real model. More a fit check item. It will take a lot more effort to make it a good model.

The chassis comes from a Märklin Br89 and it has been fitted with a 4mm 5V motor.  I also re-used the cylinder block of the Br89.

Maybe one day i will make a real model out of this, but for now I stop here. 

SV 321 (prussian T3)

SV 321 at Udine station, 26/5/2016 photo © Manfred Kopka, from








The Prussian T3 had a huge commercial success also outside Germany.

Several T3s (more than 10) were purchased by Società Veneta (SV)  from Henschel & Sohn of Kassel and from Ernesto Breda of Milano.

The T3s operated on most SV lines including the Parma-Suzzara. On this line is the station of Brescello, where the well known movies of "Don Camillo e Peppone" where shot. The SV T3 were featured in some of those movies [0].


My model was designed in CAD and made of three different parts: the chassis, the boiler and the cabin.

The motor plant is made with 2 4mm motors working on the same worm that engages on the train ow cogs driving the three weelsets. The wheelset come from mini-club Br89 locomotives.

T3s have a asymmetric wheelset distance: the two wheelsets close to the cabin are very close to each other, with the front wheelset further apart.

To replicate such construction I  had to grind away the generous flanges of the middle wheelset.

The motors fit tightly into the boiler part which needs to be slid from the front of the chassis [2].

The cabin must be insted slid into the chassis from the back [4].


I have been working on this T3 more and I have eventually decided to change the motor plant.

The previous motor arrangement was too fast. So I changed the configuration of the motors so that I could add a x2.5 reduction.

This also increased the torque at the wheels.

Now the 2 motors are side by side in the cabin [7]. 

Without ballast the loco is aft-heavy so it pitches quite a lot [8].

With the forward section of the boiler filled with lead it works much better [9].