Locomotive Diesel Engines

FS 206-207-208

Ho modellato questa locomotiva perché rappresentava per me la sfida ultima nel ferromodellismo.

Modelli statici in scala Z della sogliole erano già disponibili su Shapeways.

Il modello statico è molto piccolo ma non molto impegnativo.

La vera sfida era realizzare una sogliola funzionante. Era stato già difficile realizzare un impianto motore per la versione in scala N. La scala Z sembrava quasi impossibile.

Lo spazio all'interno della cabina è estremamente limitato in qualsiasi direzione.

Ho dovuto progettare una trasmissione meccanica che potesse trasmettere il moto alla cabina centrale ai "bracci" che reggono le piccole ruote.

Nelle sogliole vere la trasmissione veniva realizzata a catena. Nel modello in N l'ho fatta a cinghia. ma in Z era impossibile

Alla fine ho trovato una soluzione adatta.

Il minuscolo motore da 4 mm ha una vite senza fine che guida i treni di ingranaggi anteriori e posteriori che raggiungono le ruote attraversando i bracci.

Le ruote hanno un diametro di 2 mm tornite in ottone. I pignoni delle ruote sono saldati all'esterno delle ruote motrici. Due assi in acciaio da 0,8 mm portano il movimento alle ruote opposte. Questi sono isolati elettricamente dall'albero grazie a manicotti di resina epossidica depositata dopo la prima tornitura e poi forata per ottenere il cavo dell'asse

La scocca è composta da due parti, una inferiore che contiene ruote, ingranaggi e motore e una superiore con il tetto.

La parte superiore verrà fusa in piombo per creare un po`di zavorra.

Comunque il modello funziona anche senza zavorra.

E con mia sorpresa riesce addirittura a spingere un carro (sempre senza zavorra) 

FS D208.0xx, D207.011, Bologna, 1980, Photo  © Sandro Baldi from wikipedia.it

The Breuer Lokomotor was also produced in Italy under license by two companies.

The group 206 (an original Breuer type Typ IV) was produced by Officine Costamasnaga  in 10 units.

The group 207 (also a Typ IV)  was produced by Officine Badoni Lecco, which also produced an identical looking but more powerful version classified as 208.

The groups 206/207/208 were called collectively 'sogliole' (flatfish) due to their very narrow body.

I modelled this locomotive as it was the ultimate challenge in model making. 

Static, Z scale models of the sogliole were already available on Shapeways. The static model is small but not challenging at all.

The real challenge was to make a functioning sogliola. It was already difficult to realise a motor plant for the N scale version.  The Z scale looked nearly impossible.

The space within the narrow cabin is extremely  limited in any direction.

I had to design a mechanical transmission that could pass the motion to the central cab to the 'legs' holding the tiny wheels. Eventually I found a solution that would fit.

The tiny 4mm motor has a worm that drives front and back gear trains to the wheels.

The wheels are 2mm in diameter turned from solid brass. The wheel pinions are soldered to the driving wheels. Two  0.8mm steel shaft bring the motion to the opposite wheels. These are electrically insulated from the shaft thanks to to epoxy collets.

The shell is made of two parts, a bottom one that holds wheels, gears and motor and a top one with the roof.

The bottom part can be run alone. In (4) you see it running with the current pick-up 'outsourced' to a Rokuhan idle bogie. It is a trick I use to check the quality of the ride, without the issues that current pick-ups generate.

But of course the model has to run on its own. And it does! surprisingly also pushing a freight car.

FS 207 assembly

Vuoi farlo?, Contattami per  ottenere le stampe 3D0.

Per il resto, la distinta base e le istruzioni per il montaggio si trovano in questo foglio di calcolo.

If you want to make it, you can get the shells from me. Please fill the contact request form.

For the rest,  bill of material and instructions for assembly are in this spreadsheet

FS 213

213.911 in 1971 a Nervi – Photo © Mascherpa – taken rom scalaenne.wordpress.com
FS 213.910 at Verona in 1984 – Photo © Giancarlo Ganzerla from scalaenne.wordpress.com

At the end of WWII 21 KÖF were left in Italy by the Wehrmacht. 17 of these were incorporated in the group 213.

Shortly after the war, 2 of the 17 took the isabella-castano livery, while some time later the others got the final livery leaf-green with yellow stripes, typical of the shunters.

I have had the model of this locomotive ready for some time. However I had not printed it because I wanted to make some experiments on how to make it as heavy as possible. I wanted to try the brass material on shapeways.

However shapeways does not accept objects with thin details. Also the natural brass produced by shapeways has really coarse surfaces. The polished brass instead is smooth but it looses sharp details in the polishing process.

So I had the idea of making a simple shape of a KÖF to which all details in 3D printed plastics (buffers, suspensions,headlights, etc) could be added by glueing.

I took the decision to try out the process at home.

For years I have been casting ballast of locomotives in lead, either using sand casting (for mostly convex shapes) or RTV silicone moulds.

I had never tried to cast complex shapes. So this was the time to do it.

I prepared simple model of the KÖF to use as pattern. 

The model (1) used for casting includes the shell itself (1.1) and a filler (2.2) .  The shell is made to host the plastic chassis (1.5).

As I did not how the rubber would behave with very thin walls so I split the model in 2 halves so that I could solder the two parts back once casted (2). 

The lead shell, thanks to the relatively high mass (3) shows good pulling performance (5).

As the lead shell, it is devoid of details (air bottles, doors, battery boxes, whistle, head/rear lights ...) that I will add in 3D printed resin and will allow to make different versions of the FS213.

Following the proof of concept, I ordered the brass shell to shapeways. The brass shell is really beautiful (6) and better than I expected.

The inconvenience of brass is that it weighs less than lead. Nevertheless It still manages to push a couple of cars (7).

The shell can be equipped with the resin details.

FS 214

214.7015 a Montevarchi Photo © Leonardo Carnesecchi, from photorail.it

The 214 class comprised several series of switchers. I reproduced the series 7000 that was manufactured by Greco

The model is made of a brass lost-wax casted shell and a plastic (resin) 3D printed chassis and gearing.

Motoring and gear train is identical to that of the Kö: motor pinion feeding a large M 0.2 gear attached to a shaft driving the 2 worms engaged on the geared wheelsets.

FS D225

FS 225 at Milano smistamento deposito photo © Stefano Paolini from photorail.it

Between 1973 and 1978, FS ordered 45 units of a 4-wheels switcher which was meant to provide switching services in the main stations.

these went on to constitute the 5000 series (5001÷5045) in the very non-homogenous D225 family. 

The builders, CNR, IMER and AEROSICULA followed a blueprint that was aesthetically based on D245 unified series. The commonalities were external coupling connecting rods on spoked wheels of diameter 1040 mm, front engine body and rear cabin , with rear access.

When I was kid I saw these locomotives composing trains into Lecce station.

I have realised the usual CAD design and printed everything in grey plastics

The motor is a 615S and wheelsets come from my now very low Br89 stock 

The motor acts with a small pinion on the large cog attached to the transmission shaft on which 2 worms are mounted. The worms feed the cogs on the two wheelsets.

The jackshaft is ungeared and moved totally by the side rods which are printed in PLA 

FS Ne120

La storia di queste motrici da manovra pesante è illustrata nel sito scalaenne.

Ho pensato di costruirle appena ho scoperto che il passo dei carrelli in scala Z corrisponde a quello dei telai Rokuhan shorty. Sembrava un lavoro facile, e lo è effettivamente stato anche se non facile come pensavo.

Il modello CAD (1)  non include le griglie che nella loco originale erano realizzate in maglia di acciaio. Ho realizzato le griglie nel modello con una nastro di garza. incollato dall'interno.

Le ringhiere sono state realizzate con stampa a filamento, ripiegate e incollate.

Dello shorty ho riutilizzato il motore e i due carrelli (uno solo motorizzato). Ho dovuto peró costruire un nuovo telaio viste le ridottissime dimensioni della cassa.

Il nuovo telaio mantiene comunque le stesse caratteristiche de telaio originale, motore centrale fissato da due dita elastiche, presa di corrente su tutte le ruote e trasmissione su un solo carrello.

Utilizzando i carrelli motori di 2 telai shorty, sarebbe possibile usare un motore da 7mm con due assi, ma questo renderebbe il tutto molto più costoso.

La verniciatura è in castano ed isabella e per le reti all'interno delle luci dei cofani, ho usato la garza finissima che si trova nei nastri decorativi per fiorai. La garza è incollata all'interno del guscio con cianoacrilato.

Ne 120.034 castano isabella, foto © dalla collezione privata di Emanuele Bufano (dal flick’r photostream em_ark)

With the invasion of Italy in WW2 the Allies brought a number of Diesel electric locomotives manufactured by the Whitcomb company. 49 of the type 65-DE-14 were purchased by FS at the end of the war.

I have reproduced the version as it was in 1963. After that time the entire group underwent a transformation and it was renamed into FS D143.

You can read the longer version of this story on the  scalaenne website (Google translated) 

The motor plant re-uses bogies and motor of Rokuhan shorty chassis.

However I had to design a new chassis (2), to increase the bogies distance and also to fit the very narrow central body.

I also designed and printed the reproduction of the sides of the bogies, all parts of the same print (3).

All railings have been produced by printing them flat with a filament printer and then folded to shape and glued in place.

The livery is the isabella-chestnut adopted till 1963.

For the nets put inside the openings of the hoods I used the very fine gauze that is found in decorative ribbons. The gauze is glued inside the shell.

One Ne120 was in charge of a very unusual train.

The so called 'pagnottella'' (sandwich)  run 4 times on week days on the Priverno-Fossanova line from the mid 60's  to the mid 70's. The peculiarity was that this passenger train was composed by just two coaches that were attached to both sides of the Ne120.

I have made a replica of this train fro a friend.

FS Ne700

tra il 1939 e il 1942, la London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS) costruì presso la loro officina di Derby 40 deviatori 0-6-0 n. 7080–7119. Queste locomotive diesel-elettriche presentavano la trasmissione Winterthur piuttosto unica. Nel 1941 dieci macchine (le 7100-7109) furono prestate e successivamente vendute al Ministero della Guerra. Alla fine della guerra vennero vendute nei paesi in cui si trovavano : 6 andarono  alle Ferrovie Egiziane e 4 alle FS.

Ho progettato il modello di questa locomotiva da zero. È completamente stampato in 3D in SLA, escluse le bielle che sono stampate in FDA.

Il telaio utilizza un motore 615S. Le ruote provengono da un bastelware BR89. Anche se sono più piccole di quanto dovrebbero essere, non sembra cosi alla grande al generoso bordino della scala Z.

Il telaio è diviso a metà e racchiude nei due gusci l'albero di trasmissione. L'albero ha calettate su esso  tre viti senza fine ed un grosso ingranaggio. Questo si interfaccia con il pignone del motore e le viti si Cisono prese di corrente su tutte e 6 le ruote tramite 4 'graffette' in rame fosforoso.

La voluminosa cassa permette di incorporare una discreta zavorra di piombo ( tagliata al coltello da una barra di piombo) che produce un peso complessivo di 19 g.

Nel complesso la marcia  sembra buona.

Devo ancora implementare il volano del motore, le zavorre sulle ruote motrici e applicare le decalcomanie.

Ne700.003 at San Giuseppe di Cairo, photo  © Werner Hardmeier, from drehscheibe-online.de

between 1939 and 1942, The London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS) built at their Derby workshop  40  0-6-0 shunters Nos. 7080–7119. These diesel-electric locomotives featured the rather unique Winterthur transmission. In 1941, ten machines (the 7100-7109) were loaned and later sold to the Ministry of War. After the war they were sold where they had been last: 6 to the Egyptian Railways and 4 to the Italian State Railways (FS).

I have designed the model of this locomotive from scratch. It is completely 3D printed in SLA , excluding  the transmission rods that are printed in FDA.

The chassis uses a 615S motor. Wheels come from a bastelware BR89. Even though they are smaller than they should be, they look fine, due to the large flange of the Z scale.

The chassis is split in half and encloses in the two halves the transmission shaft. The shaft holds three screws and a large cog. The cog interfaces to the motor pinion and the screws engage on the wheel pinions.

Current pick-ups are on all 6 wheels through 4 phosphorous-copper 'staples'.

The very tall body allows to incorporate quite some lead ballast (just cut from a lead bar) which produces an overall weight of 19 g.

Overall the riding properties look good.

I still need to implement the motor wheel, the ballasts on the drivers and apply the decals.

FS D143

La storia di queste motrici da manovra pesante è illustrata nel sito scalaenne.

Ho derivato la D143 dal modello della Ne120 chiudendo alcune delle grate, modificando le ringhiere e corrimani, sostituendo i fari, e sostituendo le due marmitte con la cofanatura.

Anche in questo caso le ringhiere sono stampate con la stampante a filamento, ripiegate ed incollate.

Lo chassis è lo stesso sviluppato per la Ne120.

D143 negli anni ’70 con telaio e carenatura verdi, foto Hardmeier da photorail.com

The Ne120 class was very effective in the task of heavy switcher. However it had a weakness in the two Buda engines which were very delicate. The Dutch NS, which had also 'inherited' 24 Whitcomb 65-ton switchers had similar problems.

So both NS and FS decided to fix the problem by replacing the Buda engines with others. Initially FS replaced in 12 units the  original engines with FIAT ones. Eventually they overhauled the whole group by replacing the 2 engines with a single OM (built on Saurer license). The overhaul had also the exhausts removed and it brought some changes here and there.

The group was renamed into D143.

I wanted to reproduce the version as it was in the  70s.

Exactly as FS, I re-used the Ne120 (model) taking away the exhausts, changing the side doors and the railings and adding the  carter on the top  

FS D141

Ho scelto questa locomoiva perchè avava la possibilita di essere motorizzata con piccola approssimazione usando un telaio motorizzato Rokuhan Shorty.

Il minore passo dei carrelli shorty aiutano la locomotiva ad affrontare le strette curve della Zeta, che sarebbero proibitive con i carrelli di dimensione esattamete in scala.

Il modello è fatto di 4 gruppi separati, la scocca, il telaio , i fianchi dei carrelli e le ringhiere/corrimano. I primi tre sono stampati con la tecnologia SLA mentre le ultime sono stampate in piano con la tecnologia FDM.

La scocca è dipinta con colori puravest verde vagone, rosso segnale e alluminio. Le strisce gialle sono fatte dipingendo ad aerografo di giallo segnale un foglio da decal e poi tagliando con una lama affilatissima le strisce, che vengono applicate come comuni decal.

Il telaio invece viene equipaggiato con il motore rokuhan, che va incollato nella apposita culla e dai carrelli, quello motore inserito nell'apposito foro e fissato con l'asse dell'ultimo ingranaggio nelle asole di sostegno, quello folle avvitato sul suo perno.

I fianchi dei carrelli rokuhan vanno spianati ed assottigliati, per poter poi incollarci sopra i finachi che riproducono i carrelli D141.

Le ringhiere sono semplicemente incollate con cianoacrilato e dipinte di giallo segnale.

D141.1017 a La Spezia 08/1991 Photo © Claudio Sabatini dal Portale dei Treni

This type of heavy shunter was designed in 1960 and operated till the end of the years 2000. 

It also pulled freight and passenger trains in the region of Veneto

I chose to make this model as it can be motorised with reasonably good approximation using bogies and motor from a Rokuhan shorty.

The CAD model is made of essentially 4 elements: the shell, the chassis, 4 identical bogie sides and the railings.

Shell, chassis and bogies are printed with SLA technology, the railings are printed flat with FDM technology.

I painted the shell while still on the supports. 

Equipping the chassis is rather simple.

To start off one must strip off  motor and bogeys from the rokuhan shorty.

Next step is to sand away any relief on the bogie sides and making them as as flat and thin as possible, without compromising the structural stability of the bogie.

The PCB attached to the motor must be reduced into two narrow strips by cutting it with a cutting disk.

The geared bogie can then be inserted into is location in the new chassis and secured with the top gear shaft. 

The motor must be inserted into its niche and glued there. Glueing is necessary  as the chassis is ultra thin and the motor body provides  the missing structural stiffness. The two PCB strips must be glued to the top deck of the chassis.

Before screwing the idle bogie, two pick-up pads need to be prepared. Cut two brass (or copper) strips of 0.3x1.5x 7mm dimension. solder a thin wire of copper on one side.  Pass the wires through the holes  and glue the pads into the niches. Solder the wires to the PCBs.

Now the idle bogie can be screwed on its post.

The bogey sides can now be glued on the bogies.

FS D245.6001-6009

FS commissionò alla società austriaca Jenbacher Werke, 10 locomotive da manovra diesel con trasmissione idraulica.

Queste sono state  i prototipi per la serie D245.6000 di locomotive da manovra 'unificate' che hanno ripreso da queste serie iniziali la configurazione generale ma cambiato la forma della cassa.

Infatti, mentre il resto della serie 6000 sembra molto simile, la carrozzeria di queste 10 locomotive è molto diversa. Quindi è stato interessante farne un modello.

Anche il fatto che il telaio sia identico al resto della serie D245 è stato un vantaggio.

FS ordered to the Austrian company Jenbacher Werke, 10 diesel shunters with hydraulic transmission.

These were the prototypes for the D245.6000 series of 'unified'  shunters which took from these initial series the general configuration .

While the rest of the 6000 series look very similar, the body work of these 10 locos is very different. So was interesting to make a model of them.

Also the fact that the chassis  is identical to the rest of the D245 series was a bonus.

FS D245 6010-6124

FS D245.6225 at Tarvisio Boscoverde Station on 25/10/2015 ©  Hans-Peter Kurz from www.bahnbilder.de

The D245 family of FS  includes a variety of locomotives which have in common just the role (switcher) and the wheel arrangements.

 I chose to reproduce the one in service at Lecce station. This has the "unified' look but the absence of transmission bars.

The CAD model (1) has been printed (2) at home with DLP-SLA technology.

I made a few of them and painted in the different liveries this loco had. The traditional green with yellow stripes (3) and the orange-yellow one (4).

The railings in the back were printed together with the shell. The ones in the front were printed flat in PLA on a filament printer and then folded to shape.

First version (2019)

The motoring is based on 2 co-axial micromotors running through an idler gear a shaft with 3 worms attached to the wheel pinions. All is enclosed in two simmetrical shells, joined by M1 screws. The wheels are  Märklin traction wheelsets with M0.3 12 tooth pinion and are retained by a flange printed in PLA

Second version (2020)

I made a second version to improve on the internal friction. the motor shaft now uses a larger cog that directly engages on the pinion of the transmission shaft. In this way I could remove the idler. I also removed the bottom flange. Now the wheelsets need to be disassembled to be inserted into the two symmetrical shells. I also improved the current pick-up that now generates much less friction.

In this way the chassis can run (7) on one or two motors. 

Third version (2021)

With the availability of 615s motors I have made a newer motor plant for this model. 

The 245 presents some difficulties.

Being very small it does not allow for a great weight.

Having 3 axes very far apart, it not only has a large stiff wheelbase but also a great potential for hyperstaticity.

However, I am satisfied with the result. The transmission uses a shaft with 3 worm screws that coupled to the conical seats of the wheelsets allow for good isostaticity.

The wheelsets can translate + - 0.5 mm (therefore 1mm of excursion over 4mm of distance of the edges) adapting to tight curves.

In this video the loco pulls a relatively long train of self-made wagons, despite the weight being only 13g, the tight curves and the greasy tracks.

In total with the new frame the performance is good and there is greater ease of assembly, good news for those who want to build it.

FS D245.800x

Dopo le D245 unificate, ho realizzato questo modello.

Le 3 Jung R42C vennero acquistate dalla impresa Lagorara nel 1956 per gestire il traffico nel porto di Genova. Per circonstanze che non conosco, nel 1969 entrarono nel parco FS e vennero immatricolate nella serie D245.800x.

Le macchine sono poi state alienate nel 1980 e acquistate dal consorzio Autonomo del Porto di Genova (ex 8001 e 8002), mentre la 8003 è finita a Milano Certosa presso i Magazzini Generali dell'Organizzazione Nazionale Trasporti.

La 8002, ora dipinta in giallo è nel parco Serfer e staziona ad Udine.

Io le ho realizzate nella livrea FS.

Diametro e passo ruote sono quasi uguali a quelli della Br89.  Ho quindi usato parti provenienti dal mio stock di Br89 mini-club demolende: ruote, ingranaggi (inclusa vite senza fine) e flangia trattieni ruote.

Lo chassis è fatto di due metà simmetriche che vengono tenute insieme da 3 viti M1. Il motore da 6mm ha un pignone calettato sull'albero motore. Il pignone insiste su una ruota dentata che è calettata  insieme alla vite senza fine su un albero di trasmissione secondario.  La vite senza fine ingaggia l'ingranaggio calettato sul primo asse, gli altri assi ricevono il moto dal solito treno di ingranaggi tipico delle locomotive mini-club.

Il biellismo è fabbricato in stampa FDM, mentre i corrimani sono di filo di ottone da 0.2mm ripiegato ad arte.

I colori sono verde-vagone Puravest (ad aerografo)  rosso segnale e giallo segnale Puravest e alluminio Vallejo (a pennello).

Le strisce gialle sono decals fatte in casa.

FS D 245.8003  1980 Magazzini Generali ONT Photo © M.Brunello from scalaenne.wordpress.com

The FS serie 245 is made of fairly different sub-series all being 3-axle diesel hydraulic switchers.

I have decided to make them all in Z scale. I have already published the 60xx series. Now I made the series 8000.

This series was  actually composed by just 3 locomotives of the type Jung R42C. In Germany I understand that these switchers were mainly acquired by the Bundeswehr.

The 3 'Italian' Jung R42C were purchased by the Lagorara company in 1956 to manage traffic in the port of Genoa. For circumstances that I do not know, in 1969 they entered the FS complement and were registered in the D245.800x series.

They did not last long in the FS ranks, the machines were  sold in 1980 and purchased by the Autonomous Consortium of the Port of Genoa (ex 8001 and 8002), while the 8003 ended up in Milan Certosa at the General Warehouses of the National Transport Organization.

The wheel arrangement and axle distance is almost identical to the one of a BR89. So I used one of the many bastler Br89 I bought and built a plastic chassis that reuses wheels, gears, screw and the bottom plate of the Br89. 

The chassis is made of two halves kept together by M1 screws. The original Märklin screw is attached to a secondary shaft that has a large cog. This wheel finally connects to the pinion attached to the 6mm motor.

The transmission linkage bars are made in flat 3D print with my FDM printer. 

Railings are made of 0.2mm brass wire folded to shape.

FS D341  prima serie

Ho realizzato questo modello in due versioni che differiscono solo per l'impianto motore. La prima versione aveva lo stesso telaio illustrato nella serie FS D341 II

La seconda versione invece ha un impianto motore convenzionale, da me progettato. Il modello è composto dal guscio (1a) un telaio diviso composto da due (1b) metà identiche stampate in 3D in bronzo. Il telaio tiene insieme il motore e due carrelli motore identici (1c) nei quali tre ingranaggi M0.3  in delrin si innestano nei pignoni delle quattro sale montate (1d) anch'essi stampati in 3D.

Il telaio in metallo consente una buona massa (2) che garantisce una buona stabilità di marcia (3).

D341 1004 a Lecce, 28/12/1985, © Francesco Capezza from photorail.it


The D341 was the first diesel-electric engine realised by the FS. It was the killer of steam traction on secondary lines. It has been in service for very long. 

Its development dates to the 1950s when FS decided to replace steam traction. Initially FS, after having discarded the transmission through gearbox and the pneumatic transmission, was undecided whether to use hydraulic or electric transmission. 

So in the late 50s decided to compare in trials the two technologies. 2 families of locomotives were commissioned to Italian suppliers: D341 (diesel electric) and D342 (diesel hydraulic)

For these trials 20 locomotives of the  D341 series were commissioned to Fiat, Breda, Reggiane and Ansaldo. Besides the single Ansaldo prototype, all the other had very similar appearance.

The trials were held in the Puglia region and led to the selection of diesel-electric.

Following the selection, more D341 units were ordered. These incorporated  changes that had been recommended during the trial use. The changes included a different shape of the front.  

The 20 initial units, with the slanted front, remained in service and were called 1st series, while the following units with a vertical front became the second series.

I have realised this model in two versions which differ only in the motoring plant. The first version had the same chassis as illustrated in the FS D341 II series 

The second version instead has a conventional motor plant, all designed by me. The model is composed by the shell (1a) a split chassis made of two (1b)  identical halves 3D printed in bronze. The chassis holds together the motor and two identical motor bogies  (1c) which three M0.3 delrin gears that engage in the four wheelset pinions (1d)  also printed in 3D.

The metal chassis allows for good mass (2) that provides for a good ride stability (3).


FS D341 II serie

Un amico, domandandomi se avessi fatto questa loco, mi ha ricordato che ne avevo abbandonanto la modellazione.

Non avevo trovato alcun telaio Märklin che andasse bene e quindi mi ero dedicato ad altro.

Di recente un amico mi ha chiesto se l'avessi modellato. Quindi mi è venuto in mente questo lavoro incompiuto e ho anche capito che ora avrei potuto usare i miei carrelli standard.

Quindi l'ho finito di modellare (1), ho poi stampato a casa il modello in tutte le sue parti (2 dall'alto in senso orario: scocca, carrello lato 1, forma per la zavorra in piombo, carrello lato 2, telaio e 2 carrelli). Tutte le parti si adattano bene (3,4).

La prima cosa da ottenere è la zavorra di piombo. Ho attaccato alla forma un cono per la colata e un gomito per lo sfiato dell'aria, entrambi stampati in plastica.

Quindi ha realizzato uno stampo in silicone RTV.  Il risultato della fusione è abbastanza buono. Ha solo bisogno di del taglio del cono di colata  ed il gomito di sfiato

Tutti i componenti sono pronti per il montaggio. La massa di piombo si adatta molto bene al telaio. I carrelli sono come al solito laboriosi da montare (gli ingranaggi M0.2 a 8 denti sono difficili da maneggiare).

Così infine ho potuto dipingere a spruzzo tutto nella livrea isabella / verde-vagone con colori puravest.

D341 a Crotone, Photo © Tom Burham da Flickr.com

The D341 was the first diesel-electric engine realised by the FS. It was  the killer of steam traction on secondary lines. It has been in service for very long. 

This model has been on the drawing board for ages.

I started it long ago when I thought I would use a Märklin motor  plant. 

However I could not find any mini-club model that  had the same distance between bogie centres and the same wheel base.

Recently a friend asked me whether I had modelled it. So I was reminded of this unfinished work and I also realised that I could now use my standard bogies.

So I have finished  modelling (1), printed at home the model in all its parts (2 from top clockwise: shell, bogie side 1 , pattern for the lead ballast, bogie side 2, chassis and 2 bogies). All parts fit well (3,4). 

The first thing to get is the lead ballast. I attached to the pattern a cone for pouring and an elbow for air venting, both printed in plastics.

 Then made a RTV silicone mould and poured molten lead. The result is fairly good. It just need to severe the cone and elbow.

All components are ready for assembly. The lead mass fits very well on the chassis. The bogies are as usual laborious to assemble (M0.2 8teeth gear are dificult to handle). 

So I finally spray paint all  in the livery isabella/verde-vagone with puravest colors.

FS D342.300X

D342.3001 (OM) at Milano Porta Romana, 1965, Photo from Archivio O.M


The D342 family was commissioned to Italian industry as part of the experimentation on hydraulic transmission.

 Ansaldo, Breda and OM were asked to provide 2 prototypes of Diesel-hydraulic locomotives each.

The D342.300x was the result of the OM effort.  The  Ansaldo and Breda units were very similar in appearance, while the OM units looked very different from the former two.

As the unit has large curved front windshields, I decided to print the shell, including the panes,  in transparent resin. While the rest is all in standard grey.

FS D342.40XX

1a versione

La scocca di partenza è il modello disponibile su shapeways in Frosted Ultra Detail (FUD) e Frosted Extreme Detail (FXD). Per una buona riuscita consiglio il FXD.  La versione che ho convertito in Z è quella di serie (non i primi due prototipi)

a scocca si dipinge bene con colori puravest (isabella, castano, alluminio e rosso segnale), dopo averla lavata in soluzione di acqua calda (la massima temperatura di un rubinetto), ammoniaca e sgrassatore. 15 minuti in una vasca ad utrasuoni o un paio d'ore sul termosifone. 

La meccanica è costruita con un telaio di PLA e due carrelli standard da 3 metri.

La forza di traino è buona anche con una piccolissima zavorra.

The D342 is often portrayed in the typical Tuscan landscape. The reason being that most unit ended up operating from Siena.

The colors are the classic puravest castano ed isabella with a large band of rosso segnale around the  lower part.

The motorisation is built around 2 standard motorised bogeys of my production.

So traction on all axes and current pickup on all wheels.

Minimum speed is very low and pulling force is very good.

The loco is equipped with my magnetic couplings v3.2

2a versione


The model is made a of a large number of 3D printed parts.

I have chosen to make a metal chassis with split design. This was printed through shapeways in a material I had never used: stainless steel.

The result was much better than I expected. It is dimensionally more accurate than other 3D printed metals I had from Shapeways. Also it costed only 33 Euros being the cheapest option for printing in metal at Shapeways.

chassis as printed by shapeways

To maintain insulation between the two parts I realised some insulators and inserts for the M1x5 screws.

The bogeys use pinpoint wheelsets and the pinions act as axle shafts.

I have also 3D printed all the cogs

I have used nickel strips as pick ups. The strips are arranged in a V which has at the ends conical holes punched in. These holes host the pinpoints of wheelsets, so I achieve excellent conduction with very little friction.

Once the bogies are inserted in the gaps of the chassis, the base of each V brushes on the closest chassis half so that there is good conductivity between the bogies.


The chassis with the given mass and good conductivity has excellent riding properties

FS D343

La motorizzazione è una Rokuhan shorty (versione shinkansen) che va benissimo di passo ma non di interperno. 

Il telaio  va allungato. Ho messo a disposizione su shapeways, un blocchetto di estensione che si incastra nel telaio rokuhan. Il carrello folle va semplicemente avvitato nel perno dell'estensione

Con un pò di affinamento degli spigoli del telaio, la scocca accoglierà facilmente il telaio.

Il modello è equipaggiato con il mio gancio V3.1 opportunamente brunito. Ho anche aggiunto le fiancate dei carrelli e manca poco a completare il modello.

FS D343.1030 at Milano 'squadra rialzo', 24/3/2019, from delta-november.it. This locomotive has retained curved front windows.
FS D343.2026 at Orte station, 21/5/2011, © Marco, from trainspo.com. This locomotive has the flat windows.

This locomotive is the progenitor of the 'unified' class of diesel-electric locomotives that have allowed the replacement of steam traction on not-electrified lines.

The locomotive had initially curved round-the -edge front windows. At later stage most locomotives of the series had the windows replaced with flat safety glass.

I have reproduced both versions

The livery is the characteristics verde-vagone e isabella colours.

Motorisation is based on a rokuhan shorty (shinkansen version) components: motor, wheelsets, gears, and pick-ups, integrated in new 3D printed chassis and bogies.

The model has been fitted with overhead-sheet window panes, cut at the plotter and with my magnetic couplers

As traction relies on a single bogey, I set a hefty lead ballast very near to the motorised bogey, to get every gram of pull force out of the shorty.

FS D445

La scocca di partenza è il modello disponibile su shapeways in Frosted Ultra Detail (FUD) e Frosted Extreme Detail (FXD). Per una buona riuscita consiglio il FXD.  La versione che ho convertito in Z è quella con i vetri piatti. In N ho fatto anche quella a vetri curvi.

La riduzione in scala Z dal modello in N non porta a perdita di dettagli.

Per la verniciatura, dopo il solito bagno pulitore, ho applicato il primer Tamiya. Una bella lisciatura con carta abrasiva da 600 e lama affilata per rimuovere i rigonfiamenti a buccia d'arancia.

I colori sono puravest verde magnolia, isabella e rosso segnale, applicati con l'aerografo.

Per le striscie in alluminio ho voluto provare un metodo che mi sono inventato. Ho verniciato in alluminio della carta da decal. Poi ho tagliato delle striscie sottilissime con il taglierino fotografico. Ho poi applicato le striscie come delle decals normali.

Il risultato mi sembra buono.

La motorizzazione che si può utilizzare facilmente è una Rokuhan shorty (versione shinkansen) che va benissimo di passo ma non di interperno.

FS D445.1006 © EmmeBi protos,  from flickr.com

The series D445 have been for long time the most powerful diesel-electric locomotives of FS with a power of about 1.5 MW.

The series was based on the succesful design pioneered by the D343 and extended with the latest 3-phase generator-motor technology and with an additional generator to power the heating system of passenger cars.

The motor plant is based on two rokuhan shorty geared bogies and a dual shaft motor with M0.4 worms.

A new chassis has been designed and 3D printed.

Colors are puravest verde magnolia, isabella e rosso segnale, airbrushed .

Aluminum bands are made of decal paper airbrushed with alluminum paint and then cut to shape and applied on the model.

The model has been fitted with a Dz126 DCC decoder.

FSE BB151-163

È stato uno dei miei primi modelli in N. L'ho rifatto in Z. È disponibile su Shapeways

La motorizzazione sarà basata sul carrello universale che ho realizzato per le E646. Appoggio isostatico, trazione su 4 assi e presa di corrente su tutte le ruote.

La scocca con una mano di primer Tamiya mostra meglio i dettagli.

Il telaio è in PLA con sufficiente spazio per imbarcare una grande massa di piombo opportunamente sagomata.

La motorizzazione va benissimo sulla scocca con i respingenti che rimangono all'altezza giusta.

FSE B101-105 (similar to FS D225.7001) 

Questo piccola locomotiva da manovra venne costruita in piccola serie per FSE (5 unità denominate B101-105) e FS (36 unità D225 7001-7014, 7031-7033 e 7051-7070) dalla ditta Greco di Reggio Emilia. Il progetto  era su licenza Deutz e basato sul modello Deutz T4M 525 R.

Come al solito ho progettato la locomotiva in CAD. La scocca, i due giusci che compongono il telaio e le due masse oscillanti sono stampate in SLA mentre le bielle sono stampate in FDM.

Il motore è un 615s e le ruote provengono da Br89.

Il moto viene trasferito alle ruote mediante una sequenza cog-vite-ingranaggio.

Nel complesso il comportamento della locomotiva è soddisfacente.


This shunter was built in small series for FSE (5 units named B101-105) and FS (36 units D225 7001-7014,  7031-7033 and 7051-7070) by the company Greco of Reggio Emilia. The design was licenced by Deutz and based on their model T4M 525 R. 

As usual I have designed the locomotive in CAD.  The shell, the chassis halves and the two swing masses are printed in SLA while the rods are printed in FDM.

The motor is a 615s and wheels come from Br89.

Motion is transferred to the wheels by means of a cog-screw-cog sequence.

Overall the behaviour of the locomotive is satisfactory.


La SATTI mi ha interessato sempre per la grande diversità dei suoi pochi rotabili. 

Fra quelli usati sulla ferrovia Canavese e quelli della Torino-Ceres ci sono delle cose molto particolari.

Il DE101 venne fabbricato nel 1961 (secondo ll centro storico FIAT) on nel 1965, secondo wikipedia, da FIAT come locomotiva sperimentale.

Ho scelto di creare questo modello perchè la sua unicità mi attrae, ma anche perchè il passo dei carrelli in scala Z è perfetto per l'uso dei componenti del telaio motorizzato Rokuhan Shorty.

Il DE101 ha avuto nella sua lunga vita due livree, la prima castano/bruno/avorio e la seconda rosso-segnale/avorio. Le trovo entrambe molto belle. Ho fatto per prima la più antica.

DE101 in late livery, 02/10/1994 at Settimo Torinese, photo © Stefano paolini, from photorail.it

DE101 in original livery photo from Centro Storico Fiat

The company SATTI managed few railways around Turin in Piedmont. 

It had a real zoo of exotic single-specimen trains, these included the VPS D51 Hüttenflitzer, The FIAT Aln40 railcar, the  2-storey A2n1 railcar and finally the diesel-electric engine De101.

The De101 is an experimental engine produced by FIAT in 1961. It was a testbed for technologies used at later stage for large series production of diesel-electric locomotives.

Despite being an unique specimen, the De101 was kept operational for many years. 

It wore two liveries, a first one in chestnut-brown/dark brown/ivory and the second ivory/red.

I chose to reproduce this model because the wheel base in z scale matches the Rokuhan Shorty one. 

So with the usual re-design of the chassis I can reuse bogies and motor of the shorty.

ÖBB 2045

Un Z-amico Tedesco mi ha chiesto di fare questa locomotiva, che non conoscevo.

Mi è piaciuto l'aspetto e poi mi è sembrata sufficientemente difficile da fare.

Con 5-6 ore di modellazione CAD il modello era finito (1). E cosí con altre 7 ore di stampa notturna la prima cassa era pronta. Il nero della resina si presta poco ad ispezioni e fotografie, cosí ho subito dipinto la cassa di rosso (2).

Il vecchio logo alato ÖBB (il più bello) esce bene in rilievo, una volta delineato in colore alluminio (3).

Per la motorizzazione i tempi sono stati più lunghi. La complicazione e difficoltà di questo modello è che l'interno degli avancorpi è largo solo 6,1 mm, mentre la cabina è larga solo 12,4 mm.

Siccome io uso motorini Cinesi da 6 mm, non ci sono spazi per realizzare strutture di sostegno attorno ai motori. 

Così ho dovuto realizzare (4) una versione dimagrita dei miei carrelli motore (in blu), ed un telaio (in rosso) che occupa solo la parte centrale del modello, appeso ai due carrelli. Il motore di ciascun carrello è incollato di testa sul carrello. 

Il telaio (5) viene stampato in resina nera, mentre la parte superiore del carrello è stampato in PLA e la parte inferiore (che riproduce i fianchi della locomotiva vera) in resina nera. 

Le due parti dei carrelli sono fisssate (5) da due viti M1 di cui quella più interna è lunga ed assicura il carrello al telaio passando per una asola curva e fissandosi con una rondella ed un dado.

Il telaio si inserisce ad incastro nella cassa (6) e assicura una altezza adeguata sul piano del ferro (7).

I carrelli una volta equipaggiati degli ingranaggi, motore e prese di corrente, viaggiano da soli (8) o, come deve essere, attaccati al telaio (9).

ÖBB 2045 001 (21.10.1990, St. Pölten, als 2045.01) from www.railroadpictures.de


A Z-friend asked me to make a model of it. I had not known this locomotive until he suggested it, nevertheless I liked the peculiar cab-centre design, so I accepted to make it.

So  I got the drawings and with 5-6 hours of modelling this is what I got (1).

I liked the possibility to make the ÖBB logo in relief. 

So after 7 hours of night print the shell came out. I am not going to show it to you as the black resin really does not work well in photo.

So I applied a coat of red paint and here is the result (2).

An indeed the ÖBB logo once painted can be very nice (3)

For what regards the motoring things are more difficult, as usual.

The chassis needs to be 6.1 mm wide at both ends and the maximum width at the cab is 12.4 mm.

The with is just enough for a 6mm motor to fit. So here  (4) is the plan of the chassis and bogies. And this (5) is the result of the printed and assembled parts.

A black epoxy chassis sits on the bogies that are realised in 2 materials: PLA (the white top part, meant to hold the gears) and epoxy for the bottom part.

The bogeys are kept together with M1 screws of which the inner ones are longer and they are used to secure the bogie to the chassis by means of washers and nut. Instead the outer ones can be used to implement a fishhook compatible coupler

When inserted into the chassis here (6) is how it looks .

And it provides for low height of the shell over the track. 

The bogies, like all my standard bogies, are independently motorised and energised so they can travel alone (8), or attached to the chassis (9).

The difference in this version is the dimensions: anything on top of the wheels is only 6 mm thick.

Of course when the bogies are attached to the chassis it is convenient to connect the power pick-ups of the bogies in parallel.

i still need to cast a ballast block in lead. this will be done as usual by making a RTV silicone mold from a 3D printed pattern

The ballast will fit into the center part of the chassis, there is enough space to have a good mass and also a decoder.

Optionally, as the chassis is actually very simple in shape, I am considering whether I could cast a more massive version of the chassis directly in lead. 


SNCF BB67309

BB673xx in the early 70's

I made this locomotive following a thread created by my fascination for the Talgo trains. I had modelled the Talgo III.

The Talgo III saw a new version in 1969. This was called Talgo IIIrd. rd stand for Rodadura Desplazable which means variable gauge.

These trains could change the gauge from the Iberian gauge to the standard gauge by running on a specially prepared track placed at the border between Spain and France.

So the train could run between Barcelona and Geneva. However the serie 353 could not change gauge, so on French track, the TALGO IIIrd was pulled by French locomotives. The BB67300 was one of the locos used.


Specifically I made the BB67309 which was the same locomotive made by LIMA in the 70's, which I received as gift when I was a child.

This is the first test of the model, quickly painted to check the coloring. 

NS class 200

Il progetto  originale di questa famiglia di minuscole locomotive da manovra, fu probabilmente ispirato dal Breuer Lokomotor di cui 1 unità fu acquistata da NS nel 1924 e utilizzata fino al 1930.

Infatti queste locomotive, erano ufficialmente chiamate "locomotor", anche se i ferrovieri le avevano soprannominate "Sik", parola Olandese che significa capra. Questo soprannome era stato ispirato dal suono del fischio che essendo alimentato dai gas di scarico del motore cambiava tono con il regime del motore.

Ci sono state 4 serie di Sik, il prototipo 'oersik' e poi le serie 100, 200 e 300.

Al giorno d'oggi sono state tutte messe a riposo. Il motivo è che non erano considerate sicure per gli standard di sicurezza odierni.

Il conduttore infatti operava all'esterno della locomotiva, in piedi sui grandi predellini ed utilizzando le grandi leve esterne di accelleratore, inversione e freno.

Ho modellato la serie 200 perché è stata utilizzata nel mio periodo di riferimento.

L'impianto motore è stato progettato, stampato e assemblato da me.

Non ho ancora deciso quale livrea userò

SIK on the pier at Rotterdam Maritime Museum with me 'driving' it

The original design of this family of  tiny switching locomotives, was probably inspired by the Breuer Lokomotor of which 1 unit was bought by NS in 1924 and operated till 1930. 

In fact these locomotives, were officially called locomotor,  even though railways people  called them 'Sik', the Duch word for goat, due to the bleating noise the signal horn (powered by the exhaust) made.

There have been 4 series of Sik, the prototype 'oersik' and then the series 100, 200 and 300.

I modelled the series 200 because it has been used in my reference period.

The motor plant is designed, printed and assembled by myself.

I am not yet decided which livery I will use. 

NS2001-2019 ( formerly NS 601-619)

Ho modellato in passato le locomotive FS derivate dalle Whitcomb modello 65-DE-14 lasciate dall'US Army Transportation Corps (USATC) nel sud dell'Europa e nell'Africa dopo la seconda guerra mondiale.

USATC impiegò in Europa occidentale anche Whitcombs tipo 65-DE-19A. Alla fine della guerra le Ferrovie Olandesi (NS) acquistarono 20 di queste locomotive e assegnarono i numeri di servizio 601-619. Dopo una ristrutturazione che portò alla sostituzione degli inaffidabili motori Buda con dei Thomassen i numeri di serviziocambiarono in  2001-2019 

Ho realizzato questo modello per un amico olandese. È stato facile adattare il design dell'altro modello Whitcomb che ho realizzato.


I modelled the FS locomotives derived from the Whitcomb model 65-DE-14 left by the US Army Transportation Corps (USATC) in the south of Europe and Africa after WWII.

USATC  used in west Europe also Whitcombs type 65-DE-19A. At the end of the war the Dutch Railways (NS) purchase 20 of these locomotives and gave road numbers 601-619. In the year they were renumbered as 2001-2019 when the unreliable Buda engines were replaced by Thomassen ones.

I made this model for a Dutch friend. It was easy to adapt the design of the other Whitcomb model I made.

NS 2200 e NMBS/SNCB 76

Negli anni '50, con l'eliminazione delle locomotive a vapore e l'elettrificazione della rete ferroviaria olandese che andava a rilento, si rese  necessaria l'acquisizione di una grande quantità di locomotive diesel. 

Le ferrovie olandesi (NS) acquistarono rapidamente 130 locomotive diesel elettriche Alsthom in Francia, che vennero immatricolate come  classe 2400.  Contemporaneamente affidarono alla  Baldwin / Westinghouse negli Stati Uniti la progettazione della classe 2200. Le 250 locomotive della classe 2200 furono successivamente prodotte nei Paesi Bassi e in Francia.

Le NS220 sono state utilizzate principalmente per il trasporto merci, anche sulle rotte tedesche. Tuttavia, con la crescente carenza di treni pendolari, alcune di queste locomotive furono utilizzate insieme alle carrozze plan-E nei treni navetta. Due NS 2200 servivano a ciascuna estremità del treno comandato dall'unità di fronte.

A fine carriera, 25 di queste locomotive sono state vendute alle Ferrovie belghe (SNCB / NMBS) e imatricolate nella sere 76. Vennero usate nel porto di Anversa.

Tutti le NS 2200 sono state ritirate dal servizio. Alcune locomotive sono sopravvissute alla fiamma ossidrica ta e sono in uso presso le associazioni di appassionati delle ferrovie e gli operatori di manovra privati.

Ho deciso di costruire questa locomotiva durante un incontro con alcuni amici olandesi. Il fatto che il modello potesse essere motorizzato con una shorty Rokuhan è stato un vantaggio addizionale .

Il modello è composto da più parti:

Ho realizzato alcuni modelli sia nella livrea rosso-bruno che in quella successiva grigio-gialla.

Entrambi possono essere utilizzati nella composizione dei treni navetta.

NS 2275, and NS 2338 pulling a  cacao freight train. Naarden, 15-2-1988 © M.R.de Vries from wiki.3rail.nl

In the 1950s, as steam locomotives were being phased out and the Dutch rail network was slow in being electrified,  a great deal of diesel locomotives were urgently  needed. The NS procured 130 class 2400 from Alsthom in France, while it entrusted  Baldwin/Westinghouse  in the US,  for the design of the class 2200. The 250 class 2200 locomotives were later manufactured in the Netherlands and France.

The NS220 were mainly used for freight transport, also on German routes. However, with the increasing shortage of commuter trains, some of these locos were used together with plan-E carriages in push-pull trains. Two NS 2200 served at each end of the train being commanded by the front unit.

25 of these locomotives were later sold to the Belgian Railways (SNCB/NMBS) and subsequently served in the port of Antwerp . 

All NS 2200 have been retired from service by the NS while a handful survive in use at railways fan associations and private shunting operators.

I got into making this locomotive during a  meeting with some Z-scale Dutch friends. The fact it could be motorised with a Rokuhan shorty was a bonus.

The model is made of several parts:

I have made few models in the brown-red livery as well as in the later gray-yellow one.

Both can be used in the composition of push-pull trains.

As the models were made for friends, they mount the ugly fishhook couplers.


Nel novembre 2022 ho scoperto questo minuscolo automotore su uno dei cataloghi di modelli pubblicati sul forum ZFI.

Ho accettato la sfida per farlo funzionare.

Il modello è stampato in due parti: il telaio/scocca e il cofano.

Un minuscolo motore, originariamente per la vibrazione cellulare si inserisce esattamente sotto il cofano

il motore ha una vite senza fine 2.8mm ∅ M0.2 che si innesta su un pignone a 9 denti fissato sull'assile posteriore.

Gli assili sono realizzati con tubi in ottone da 0,8 mm ∅ con ruote in acciaio T-gauge da 2 mm ∅ incollate all'estremità.

Gli assi scattano nelle cavità predisposte nel telaio.

Gli striscianti prendicorrente sono realizzati in filo di bronzo fosforoso da 0,15 mm.

Il modello è ultraleggero e alimentato solo sull'asse posteriore.

Infatti ho progettato la trasmissione per alimentare anche l'assale anteriore, però ho voluto provare con un solo assale.

Inoltre siccome ogni ruota dentata in ottone costa 2€ i 4 ingranaggi in più raddoppierebbero il costo del modello...

Eppure marcia sufficientemente bene sul mio tracciato di prova (molto deformato). E spinge un carro pianale (il mio FS tipo P) senza problemi e 2 vagoni con qualche difficoltà.

Sono piuttosto soddisfatto della stabilità del modello: lo spessore della ruota è solo 0.6mm ed il bordino è alto appena 0.43mm, eppure non deraglia.

È stato un modello divertente da realizzare, non è la cosa più piccola che ho realizzato, ma quasi.

KDL 91 Copyright Martin Wetzel, Essen


In November 2022 I discovered this tiny switcher on one of the model catalogues posted on the ZFI forum. 

I took the challenge to make it work.

The model is printed in two parts: the chassis/shell and the hood.

A tiny cell-vibration motor fits exactly under the hood

the motor has a 2.8mm ∅ M0.2 worm that engages on a 9 tooth pinion fixed on the rear axle.

The axles are made by 0.8mm ∅ brass tubes with T-gauge 2mm ∅ steel wheels glued at the end.

The axles snap into the cavities prepared in the chassis.

Pick-ups are made of 0.15 mm phosphor-bronze wire.

The model is ultra light and powered only on the back axle.

In fact I designed the transmission to power also the front axle, however I wanted to try with a single axle.

Also since every cog wheel in brass is 2€ the 4 additional cogs would double the cost of the model...

Yet it drives sufficiently well on my very warped test track. And it pushes a flat car (my FS type P) with no problem and 2 cars with some difficulty.

I am rather satisfied by the stability of the model: the tire of the wheel is 0.6mm wide and the flanges are just 0.43 mm high, yet it does not derail.

It was a fun model to do, it isnot the smallest thing I made, but close .


DR V60

I have been pondering how this locomotive could be motorised.

So i quickly drafted a motor plant. 

The Locomotive has a fixed D axle arrangement with blind axle, which makes it difficult to negotiate bends and switches.

The traditional way to solve this issue would be to allow great side translation for the middle axles.

However I was curious to investigate an alternative design. The wheel arrangement in two 'blocks' makes possible to create two little bogies (so B-B wheel arrangement) with a passive blind axle .

The bogies have pivots on the outer axles and can accommodate few degrees rotation.

A 716D motor drives through M0.2 gears 4 BR89 wheelsets.

As the transmission rod needs to accommodate a change in length, I broke it into two parts that overlap on a sliding joint.

sometime in the future I will build it and if it works I will make it available to the DR fans.

Eventually I designed a drive rod that is in a single piece. I calculated the size of the pin eyes so that it can accommodate the 5 degrees rotation of the bogie. it is 3D printed in FDM

The swing masses are turned by the drive rods and can translate transversally to accommodate the rotation of the two bogies.

In the end the locomotive still looks like having a wheel arrangement D but in reality has a BB, with the advantage of having good traction also in curves.

Many of the used Br89 wheelsets I managed to buy have messed-up quartering. Some are very obvious some other are more subtle. I think that one of the wheelset in this loco must have the quartering few degrees off. Not enough to be detected and jam the rod, but enough to create some roll waving.