I carri

Freight wagons

FS Bagagliaio Dm99.800

Volendo realizzare treni su una linea secondaria, mi mancava il bagagliaio classico in dotazione ai raccoglitori.

Il Dm99.800 e fratelli erano onnipresenti.

Ho progettato il modello nel solito CAD.

Bagagliaio Dm99.800

Local freight train of FS had always a service car, 'bagagliaio' in Italian slang, that housed train officer and all the engineers needed to operate on switches and couplers while collecting/releasing cars at stations on the way.

The type 99.800 was the last of bagagliai built for this specific scope.

I made the usual CAD and printed it at home.

Even though these cars belonged to the freight fleet had a livery 'grigio ardesia' used in passenger trains till the end of the 80's.

FS Carro F

La scocca di partenza è il modello disponibile su shapeways in Frosted Ultra Detail (FUD) e Frosted Extreme Detail (FXD). Per una buona riuscita consiglio il FXD.

La scocca si dipinge bene con colori puravest (nero semilucido, rosso vagone ed alluminio), dopo averla lavata in soluzione di acqua calda (la massima temperatura di un rubinetto), ammoniaca e sgrassatore. 15 minuti in una vasca ad utrasuoni o un paio d'ore sul termosifone. Il modello ha parti sottilissime e quindi bisogna maneggiarlo con moltissima cura.

Ho poi inserito le sale montate tipo Marklin

Con 13 Euro, incluso il costo delle sale Märklin, si ottiene un bel carro italiano. Vale la pena farne di più.

Carro tipo F a cassa metallica, da scalaenne.wordpress.com

I believe there has not been anything more FS-looking than the traditional slanted roof goods wagon. There were several types of them. This reproduces the last made.

The shell including chassis and wheel mounts is fabricated in a single piece and it is available on shapeways in the materials Smooth Detail Plastics and Smoothest Detail Plastics. For an easier suppression of the layer lines I recommend the second.

Clean the shell by immersing it in a solution of warm water (say 60-70 deg) ammonia and vanish degreaser. I keep it 15m in the ultrasonic cleaner. I think without ultrasonic cleaner a few hours bath would do.

I spray painted it with Puravest colors "rosso vagone", Nero and alluminio.

The Märklin wheelset just need to be pushed into their seats.

I have applied my magnetic couplers V3.2.

The decals are from Giacomo Spinelli.

With 13 euros of all-included-expenses I have a nice FS wagon. It is good that it is cheap as I need many.

FS Carro P

La scocca di partenza è il modello disponibile su shapeways in Frosted Ultra Detail (FUD) e Frosted Extreme Detail (FXD). Per una buona riuscita consiglio il FXD.

La scocca si dipinge bene con colori puravest (nero semilucido, e rosso vagone ), dopo averla lavata in soluzione di acqua calda (la massima temperatura di un rubinetto), ammoniaca e sgrassatore. 15 minuti in una vasca ad utrasuoni o un paio d'ore sul termosifone. Il modello ha parti sottilissime e quindi bisogna maneggiarlo con moltissima cura.

Con meno di 9 Euro, incluso il costo delle sale Märklin, si ottiene un bel carro assolutamente Italiano.

E quindi se ne possono fare tanti.

Carro P in Calabria, 250489 Photo © Marcello Lapenna da flickr.com

This flat car dates to 1929. I liked it for its asymmetric placement of the brakeman cabin.

It has been very simple to make. It is just a single 3D printed part on which the Marklin wheelsets are clipped in.

The paint is the usual 'rosso vagone' from Puravest.


La scocca di partenza è il modello disponibile su shapeways in Frosted Ultra Detail (FUD) e Frosted Extreme Detail (FXD). Per una buona riuscita consiglio il FXD.

This car was the largest of all 'old' style FS box cars. It was rather unique as at the time of its production, most cars has a sloped roof.

he car is made of a single 3D printed part on which the marklin wheelsets are inserted.

Paint is the usual 'rosso vagone' puravest and aluminium from Vallejo.

FS Carro L 1922

Questo carro andava bene con i pianali del 1929 e cosí l'ho realizzato e messo a disposizione su shapeways.

Carro L a La Spezia, © Photo Stefano Paolini da photorail.it

I needed a hopper car. I chose this one because of its proportions, which I find very well balanced.

The car is made of a single 3D printed part on which the marklin wheelsets are inserted.

Paint is the usual 'rosso vagone' puravest.

The bar to stretch the tarpaulin is made of brass wire, folded and than inserted in the two sockets at the faces of the car.

I will probably make a version with a tarpaulin.

FS Carro M 1955

Carro M 1955 a Migliaro (FE) 14/03/2006 © Photo Stefano Paolini da photorail.it

The tank car made by FS in 1955 was designed for the transport of dense petrol oils. It incorporated the latest design and technology advances of the time. It had great capacity, for the small size, and heating lines to facilitate the discharge of the oil in low environmental temperature.

FS carro Rlmmp-t

Io ho sviluppato una fortissima idiosincrasia con tutto quello che ha che fare con la guerra.

Però visto che questi mezzi sono stati progettati per "trasporto veicoli di peso eccezionale" e quindi non solo carri armati, e visto che me li hanno chiesti reiteratamente ho deciso di farli, una volta che ne ho trovato i disegni.

Alla prima stampa del modello le cose non erano poi andate molto bene, a parte una tendenza allo svergolamento, c'era il problema della circolabilità. Mi chiedo se anche al vero i carri abbiano una limitazione sulle curve più strette perché il carrello ORE urtava contro le travi di sostegno del piano alla minima rotazione.

Così come tutti i progetti che hanno bisogno di un ripensamento l'ho lasciato indietro.

Finalmente ho deciso di ultimare il progetto e mettere a posto le cose che non funzionavano

Cosi`ho attuato un trucco che avevo meso in atto su un altro carro problematico. Niente di speciale, si tratta semplicemente di disassare il perno del carrello in modo che brandeggi il meno possibile all'interno della travatura.

Ne ho stampati un paio in scala Z per controllare il montaggio (2).

Il perno di rotazione dovrebbe essere sulla trave trasversale, ma rilocandolo all'altezza dell'inizio della travatura riesce a ruotare.

A carrelli montati non si nota alcuna stranezza (3).

Però l'accorgimmento fa la differenza. Il test a serpentina (4) non fallisce.

Carro Rlmmp-t con carro Dardo UN, a Firenze Castello, 16/5/2007, ©TMF, Foto E. Imperato

I dislike everything that is connected to war, so a freight car for armoured tank transport was not in my to-do list.

However, considering that this freight car is meant generally for "exceptionally heavy vehicles" and that I have been asked several times to make this car, I decided to make it when I found the drawings.

It did not come out very well. it was too thin and tended to warp and also, as the bogies are deeply embedded into the girder, it did not work well in sharp bends.

Recently I came back to the model to improve it.

I put a thin beam under the structure and shifted the pivot point of the bogies, so now the model works.

Here (2) is a picture of the first print, roughly painted with a brush, just to make it visible (the plastic I used in the print is semi-transparent)

The nuts are now the pivot point of the bogies (the real bogie centers should be on the thick cross beams)

An here (3) is the bottom with the assembled bogies (fox valley wheels) .

When performing the snake test the wagon now behaves well.

FS carro Vt 1952

Vfcc at Campobasso ©Giuseppe from TrainSimSicilia.net

This type of hopper wagons are typically used for the transport of ballast.

As all FS service type wagons they are painted in grey.

Since their production they have been used to form long trains, together with other hopper and bulk wagons, going from the production pits to the stock piles and from there. to the distribution on the rails.

Arnold Siegrist filmed a beautiful steam train with many of these wagons in 1976.

The model is printed in a single print.

FS carro Gs 1957

FS carro G, Forlì, foto © Salvatore de Liso from http://www.trainsimhobby.net

In the early 1950 the Union internationale des chemins de fer (UIC) decided to design standard freight wagons that could circulate in Europe without limitations.

A team of designers in Paris and Minden, helped by designers of many other European railway administrations designed 5 types of freight cars:

  • box car

  • hopper

  • short flat car

  • long flat car

  • reefer

I have decided to model the box car which in Italy is known as Gs type 1957.

Being a UIC project, these cars were present in all European Railways administrations.

The commercial model in Z reproduces the DB version which had metal sheet cladding and ribbed roof. The FS version had smooth roof and wood cladding, as the ones in SNCF, SNCB/NSB, NS and DSB

The model is realised in a single piece incorporating body and chassis.

It is enough to insert the wheelsets in their conical recesses, plug my v3.1 couplers in the buffer flange and the car is ready to be pulled.

Obviously it is better to first paint it with the Puravest rosso vagone and vallejo silver.