Stazione di Otranto

Stazione di Otranto

Questa era stata concepita e realizzata come stazione terminale della linea Adriatica.

L'importanza originale della stazione è testimoniata dall'imponenza del suo fabbricato viaggiatori.

Ho realizzato questa stazione in scala N e quindi realizzarla in scala Z era un passo da fare.


The Otranto station was conceived as the grandiose termination of the Adriatic line. Why the termination ended to be in Otranto and not in Gallipoli (always a a more important port) can only be explained as politics.

The station had to be completed with an arm linking the port that was never realised, essentially because the port never had a level of activities high enough to justify the investment.

Nevertheless the station is beautiful for my eyes, I made an N-scale version of it, so a Z version had to be done.

Il fabbricato viaggiatori sorge alla fine di un terrapieno con il piano binari che arriva al primo piano del fabbricato viaggiatori.

Pur essendo una stazione abbastanza semplice, è molto lunga e per farla stare in un modulo da 120x30 cm ho dovuto compattare alcuni tratti di binario. La figura (2) mostra la stazione originale con su proiettato un modulo 120x30cm.

La compattazione è illustrata nella figura (3).

Otranto has a head station, the passenger building is at the end of an embankment that allows the tracks to be at the second level of the building.

It is not a complex station. These days it is only served by railcars, seldomly traveling in pairs. despite the compactness of the trains, the station is very long. So to avoid wasting space, I had to compress the plant so that it would fit into a module of 120x30cm. Figure (2) shows a satellite view of the station with a scaled-up 120x30 cm yellow box on it.

Figure (3) show the 'compression' work with the station fitting the same 120x30cm box.


I progetto (4) è stato implementato su due lastre di polistirolo estruso da 2 cm di spessore. Le lastre sono state tagliate a filo caldo e poi smussate con carta vetro.

Tutti i manufatti sono stati disegnati al CAD e stampati in tecnologia FDM. Essi sono:

a. fabbricato viaggiatori

b. marciapiede centro piazzetta

c. marciapiede lato paese

d. marciapiede lato binari

e. piano di carico

f. serbatoio acqua

The physical realisation is made on 2 slabs of extruded Styrofoam 2cm thick, solvent welded together. Landscaping was made with a thermal knife and smoothing by sanding.

All constructions have been modeled in CAD and printed in FDM technology. These are:

a. passenger building

b. pavement of roundabout

c. station pavement, village side

d. platforms

e. goods platform

f. water tank (for steam engines).


Some progress of the work is shown in (5). The deck has been coated with the usual mix of acrylic paint, PVA and cellulose dust. Red-brown for most of the area excluding the tarmac. The passenger building has been painted in the original colors FSE and the roof coated with my imitation of tar. Pavements on the village side are painted in cement-grey.