(After Arrival)

IMPORTANT UPDATE (as of September 30, 2022)

With effect from October 1, 2022, the on-arrival PCR test requirement will be lifted. All travelers(students) are still required to register for Q-code on Q-code website (click) prior to entry into Korea. 

However, if you have suspicious symptoms for COVID-19, you may take a rapid antigen test (RAT). If the result is positive, please visit the Health Center (below) near you and take PCR test.   

Please visit the Health Center at least an hour before their working hours end as there may be a long queue


By any chance you are quarantined due to being tested positive after arrival, please inform your ISV and quarantine for 7-days at your own accommodation

What happens if I test positive for COVID-19 upon arrival (during the 1st week)?

You will be contacted by your local Health Center and ordered quarantine for 7-days in your own home. If your accommodation is unfit for quarantine (ie. on-campus dormitory), OIA will contact a quarantine service company and arrange a room for you. 

Payments will be needed to be made once you are booked for a quarantine service. Please see here for more details on what to do when you test positive.

When does my quarantine end if I test positive?

For example, if you have been tested for COVID-19 in Korea on August 10th, you will be released from quarantine on the 24:00 of August 16.

Simply add 6 to the date of your COVID-19 test and that will be your release date. Realistically speaking, since you are released at 24:00, you will be able to start your daily activities the next day.

(for those who need to quarantine) Can I leave my accommodation during quarantine?

No. You are NOT allowed to leave your quarantine accommodation under any circumstances except to visit the COVID-19 testing booth at your local Health Center. Unauthorized actions is punishable in accordance with the “Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Law"

(for those who need to quarantine) Do I have to be tested again before my quarantine ends?

Yes. You although not mandatory, it is highly recommended that one is tested once more the day before the end of your quarantine (day 5 or 6 of quarantine) with a RAT test