Sojourn FAQ

For questions not answered here, please directly call the Immigration Help Center at 1345

I lost my Registration Card. How and where do I get a new one?

If your Registration Card is lost or damaged, you should apply for re-issuance of the lost or damaged card to the Seoul Immigration Office, within 15 days since such events occur. 

You should also report changes of particulars of your Registration Card to the Seoul Immigration Office, within 15 days since the changes occur. 

** Please make sure you make a visit reservation at HiKorea beforehand!!

Am I allowed to work a part-time job with a D-2-6/8 visa?


A D-2 visa holder who has studied for more than one semester in Korea (with an official transcript) confirmed by our staff at the Office for International Affairs.



**  Make sure to receive confirmation from the Immigration Office before you start working! 

When do I have to leave after the semester ends?

Your residence permit will be terminated regardless of the date written on your visa once we report to the Immigration Office of the end of the semester.

You will have 1 month to leave Korea, and if you do not leave Korea within the grace period, you will be considered an Illegal Alien.

What do I do with my Registration Card when leaving Korea?

If you have finished your study here in Korea and will not be returning back for a second semester you will need to return your Registration Card to the immigration officer at the airport. 

However, if you are returning back for a second semester and are only visiting your home country during the holidays/vacation you must keep your Registration Card in order to re-enter Korea.

Do I need to apply for a re-entry permit when traveling outside of Korea temporarily during my stay?

All registered foreigners in Korea (aka. foreign registration card holders) are exempt from having to obtain a re-entry permit when traveling outside Korea temporarily and intending to return to Korea within their sojourn period. 

Since a D-2 visa is a single entry visa, unless you have applied for your Foreigner Registration Card and have received one, you will not be able to travel back outside of Korea and return. Once you are registered in Korea, your Foreigner Registration Card will work as your proof of stay. Hence, you will have to bring your Foreigner Registration Card with you during your departure and entry if you are traveling temporarily.

If you have a dire reason for international travel after you start your semester, we highly suggest you move your schedules to AFTER receiving your Registration Card.

** you must inform the OIA regarding any plans of traveling abroad during your stay here at Konkuk

(students staying for 2 semesters) Can I leave during the vacation to visit my home country?

Technically speaking, yes.

As mentioned in the above question, you will need to bring your Foreigner Registration Card with you.

For those who have only applied for a 1-semester exchange but have extended their program, you will need to be back in time to receive all the documents for your visa extension, make a reservation on HiKorea* for your visit to the Immigration Office, all before your visa expires.

It is ultimately your decision to travel back during the holidays, but always be wary of sojourn-related issues when traveling abroad during your exchange program period.

*making a reservation on HiKorea or dealing with any sojourn related issues are only possible when you are physically in Korea