Must-have apps

Messenger App (카카오톡, Kakaotalk)

Free call and messaging app most widely used in Korea.

See here to set up an account

Navigating your way around Korea

카카오 맵 

(Kakao Map)

네이버 맵 

(Naver Map)

카카오 T (Kakao T) 

similar to Uber

파파고 (Papago) 

translation app

Google maps is not supported well in Korea, please use the apps above to navigate your way around Korea

Online payment

Naver Pay & Kakao Pay: online & offline payment system (similar to Wechat pay)

*** you will need a Korean bank account and Registration Card to use this service 

-> click here to see how to connect your Registration Card to your phone number


배달의 민족 

(Bae-dal-eui Min-jok)




(Coupang Eats)



not available in English, but has better reach and more restaurants

available in English

*** you will need a Registration Card & a Korean credit/debit card to use these services (except Shuttle)

-> click here to see how to connect your Registration Card to your phone number

1330 (Korea Travel Helpline)

Free Korean Tourism app that offers support in a variety of languages: Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese, Thai, and Malay. 

Not only is it able to answer various questions you have during your stay, but it also provides a free translation service. (see here for a detailed explanation)

KU:L House Mobile App

For those living in the dormitory, download the KU:L House app for night-out application, check-out application and etc.