Course Registration FAQ

Where can I search for courses online?

First of all, we highly suggest you refer to the "Courses Provided in English" that we will be sent your way. 

However, if you are able to understand Korean and wish to search for more courses online, or need information on what restrictions each course has, you may refer to the course timetable website.

= Students with second major/minor may sign up during the registration period for all year-grades

How do I check for restrictions on my courses?

As each course has different and varying restrictions, we do not provide them to you on the Full List of Courses Provided in English. You can search for restrictions online by referring to the answer above.

The class is full but I need it for my credit back home, what do I do?

You may request additional enrollment during the Add & Drop period. 

Download the Add & Drop Form and email your professor to ask if they will allow additional enrollment. If they say yes, attend the first class and submit the form. If your course is online, email your professor for enrollment permission with the Add & Drop Form filled in.

Most professors will take into consideration that you are short-term exchange/visiting students and will let you enroll.  However, it is ultimately their decision to let you in their class or not as they also have limitations on how many extra students they can take in, and the Office of International Affairs does not have the authority to register you for a course instead.

How do I find the email address of my instructor?

Please see here

Why is my major X when my major back home is Y?

Your major/department was selected according to the list of courses you have chosen during the initial online application. The major you were assigned to is the major/department which most of your selected courses are provided by. For example, if 3 out of 5 courses you've chosen are from the Business Department and 2 from the Engineering Department, you will be assigned as a Business major. 

This is chosen automatically to prevent as many restrictions as we can during your course registration as some courses have restrictions on students in other majors/departments. However, depending on the courses you have chosen, the department that makes up most of your courses may have fewer restrictions than other department courses you have chosen. Hence, please check your major and the restrictions on your courses before your course registration and see if your chosen major is the most optimal choice. 

If by any chance you need to change your major, please let us know ASAP! If you tell us too late in the month, you might not be able to sign up for the course you need.