Patty Tiffany

Born in Appalachia, Patty Tiffany absorbed her poet grandmother’s love of reading and writing, along with a reverence for nature and the rolling hills of home. Dreams of travel to the wider world came true first during her master’s program in German, eventually allowing her to live in Mexico, Canada, Austria, and Germany. After 30 years in higher education, primarily as a dean of admission, Patty makes her home on a bight in Key West, where her home floats and sometimes rocks, whim to the fickle sea. She is a member of the Key West Writers Guild and Poetry Guild. Her work has been published in Danse Macabre, Decimos, and several anthologies. She published her first poetry collection, Awoken, in 2019, and a second collection funded by an Anne McKee Artist grant will be published in 2024.