Judi Winters

As an only child, full-time care for my nonagenarian mother, a brilliant woman who graduated from college in an era when women typically went to work after high school, fell to me. A week before her passing, in her inimitable and unfashionably Lower East Side vernacular declared, “finish the f’ing book.” She was an astute beta-reader and ornery critic of my gestating, decade-long, narrative non-fiction.

Always a respectful and tiresomely good child, I did as commanded. Upon momma’s demise, I sought a community where I could work in relative obscurity and peace. Montana, Iowa, and Maine, centers of storytellers devoted to the written word, was not an option in December of 2016. Therefore, I sought the warm rays and coral-shelled fields of Paradise…Key West, a renowned writer’s haven. I anchored my future as an author with the Key West Writers Guild, whose camaraderie and professionalism I shall be ever grateful.

Website: http://judiwinters.com/