Left Title: Prometheus

-The One Stealing Fire

Medium: Acrylic on Cardboard

Size: 30”x24”

This work was used as the basic picture and theme picture for our charity art exhibition poster.

The charity art exhibition is held by the Sharron Art Center in the summer of 2020. The director asked me to create a rough and powerful work for the poster of the exhibition. So Prometheus, the famous thief of fire came into my mind. What could be more powerful and rougher than stealing fire?

Instead of using ordinary canvas or paper, I cut out a piece of cardboard from a packing box to create this work, and I deliberately did not process the details in order to highlight the rough atmosphere of the whole picture.

Right Title: Eve

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 20”x16

This acrylic painting is a detailed study of figure drawing from direct observation.

I named this piece "Eve" because I think the mother of human beings should be strong and bonny. She's a beauty with power in my mind.