Important Information

Drop-Off and Pick-Up

Supervision in the yard begins at 9:00 am weekdays. All students must leave the building by 4:10 pm daily unless they are participating in an athletic program or in the Denman Beacon Program.

Please remember to observe the following traffic rules between 9:0 0- 9:30 am and 3:45 - 4:15 pm on school days:


All students will be assigned a locker and provided a lock. Students will be issued lockers in the first weeks of school once required forms (including emergency cards and school lunch forms) are returned.

Parent Center

Denman Middle School has a parent center that is open during school hours everyday during the school year. It provides multiple services for all Denman families including: parent workshops, food pantry, housing information, backpacks and school supplies, computer support for families, district-wide and Community Based Organization information and support.  You can contact Ms. Rocio Soto at for more information.

Counseling Department

The Denman Counseling Team offers a variety of services to students and families. The Counseling Team provides academic and behavioral interventions, tutoring, 1:1 counseling with interns, targeted group counseling, Social-Emotional small groups and practices restorative practices. Denman has multiple Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports in place to support students both as they transition in as 6th graders and while at Denman.

Chromebook Policy

Chromebook must be:

1st incident: Verbal warning and phone call.

2nd incident: Student conference and one day loss of iPad privileges.

3rd incident: Parent/guardian conference and two week loss of iPad privileges. 

Cyberbullying will result in a parent/guardian conference and Saturday School or suspension as well as loss of iPad privileges.

Personal Electronics 

All electronics, including phones, games, tablets, speakers, earbuds, or headphones must be kept off and away from first bell to last bell (9:30 - 4:00 PM), including during lunch. If a staff member hears or sees an electronic item, even if it is not in use, they will confiscate it for the full day. Once any item or items have been confiscated three times in a school year, an adult family member (21+) will be required to pick up the electronic item; it will not be returned to the student. A fourth confiscation will require a conference with an administrator to pick up the item. Refusal to surrender a device will require a caregiver conference.

Phones with inappropriate content (illegal behavior or breaking school rules) or that have been used to violate school rules (cyberbullying, videoing a fight, etc.) must be picked up by an adult from room 183.

Hoods and Hat Policy

For reasons of student and staff safety, hoods may not be worn anywhere in the building. If a student has been asked to remove their hood and is seen wearing it again, the hooded item will be confiscated for the day. Any further incidents will require an adult family member to pick up the item.  Hats, head coverings, beanies, etc. can be worn in the building.

Toys, Sports Equipment, Skateboards, Scooters and Bicycles

Toys/fidgets may not be used during class without teacher permission unless use is written in to an IEP or 504 Plan. Students may bring their own sports equipment for use only before school and during lunch, but must keep this equipment in their lockers throughout the day. Skateboards, scooters and bicycles are not allowed on the yard at any time unless under adult supervision as part of a Denman or Beacon program or activity. During the school day, skateboards and scooters must be stored in locker; bicycles must be stored on bike racks outside the building. Students are responsible for providing bike locks. Items will be confiscated for a day if a student breaks this policy. A third confiscation will require an adult to pick up the item.

Selling Things

Students may not sell anything (toys, cards, food, etc.) at school, except as part of an administration-approved fundraiser. The first incident will result in the items being confiscated and parent or guardian notified. Further incidents will result in a mandatory parent/guardian conference and Saturday School.

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty includes copying assignments, any plagiarism including using content copied off the internet without citation, or any form of cheating on a test or quiz. The first time the parent or guardian will be notified and the student will be assigned an educational consequence. Further incidents will result in a mandatory parent/guardian conference and Saturday School or suspension.

Found, Lost and Stolen Items

If a student finds an item that does not belong to them, it is their responsibility to turn it in to the main office immediately. Stolen school property, combination locks, PE/athletic uniforms, and iPads must immediately be reported in the Main Office to avoid a fee. If a personal item is stolen, it is the owner’s responsibility to fill out a Theft Report in the Main Office; staff may support with locating personal property if possible. James Denman Middle School is not responsible for lost or stolen property.