
(ELA and Social Studies)

English Language Arts - Reader's and Writer's Workshop

  1. Reader's Workshop: Finding the “Just Right” book, Non-Fiction Reading, Deep Study of Character, Social Issues Book Clubs

  2. Writer's Workshop: Personal Narrative, Narrative Fiction, Informative Writing, Research and Argumentative Writing

Social Studies - Ancient World Civilizations

  1. Early Hominids - Paleolithic Era to the Agricultural Revolution

  2. Mesopotamia, Egypt, Kush

  3. Ancient Civilization of India

  4. Early Civilizations of China

  5. Ancient Greece

A typical homework assignment you will receive from ELA class is the weekly reading log which you will submit at the end of each assigned week. You will be asked to read for 20 minutes and reflect on your reading by writing a few sentences. In Social Studies, the typical homework you can expect to receive is a current news article review which can vary from submitting a written reflection to submitting online quiz results.

Helpful Resources

English Language Arts

Free Audible Books for kids - listen for free from any device

Aiden Tyler, Quaran-Teen - A Webseries from Author Rex Ogle created LIVE between March 24-June 2, 2020

826 Valencia - Community partner

Social Studies

SFJAZZ - Community partner. Education Department’s website for Jazz in the Middle resources

Virtual Field Trips - Discovery Education