Donate to STEM

Financial Support

Ithaca STEM Advocates is an affiliate of the Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI) and therefore has 501(c)(3) status. This means that all donations are tax deductible. Checks should be made out to "IPEI/Ithaca STEM Advocates" and sent to:


P.O. Box 4268

Ithaca, NY 14852

To donate online, please select the "I would like to donate to IthacaSTEM Advocates" checkbox on the IPEI Gift Information page, and if you wish to direct your donation to a particular associate, such as Code Red Robotics, DeWitt TSA, or IHS Science Olympiad, choose the desired group from the IthacaSTEM Associates pop-up menu.

Thank you!

Equipment and Volunteers

Technology changes rapidly and businesses often have equipment they no longer need, but that would be welcome by teachers and students. Use this form to tell us about materials, tools, lab equipment, or production machines you can donate or acquire for STEM groups. We'll try match you up with a group that needs such items. Also note if you or your organization can provide volunteers for presentations, event assistance, mentoring, or other tasks.