Networking Night a Success!
Post date: Nov 17, 2013 2:42:07 PM
IthacaSTEM held a successful Networking Night on November 14. Student representatives from our Associate groups expertly fielded questions and explained their group's activities while their advisors had a chance to roam and meet other attendees. The Sciencenter, Museum of the Earth, Cornell Public Service Center, International Climbing Machines, the Cornell Autonomous Underwater Vehicle club, and the Cornell K-12 Outreach Liaison all demonstrated their expertise and shared ways in which they can make connections for teachers and students.
Attendees included local business leaders, ICSD teachers and administrators, Cornell staff, and community supporters. Thank you to Tetra Tech for opening their offices to us for the event, Wegmans for sponsoring Physics with their "Visible Spectrum" fruit kabobs, Viva Taqueria sponsoring Chemistry with Chicken "Mole" and "Avogadro" dip, Purity sponsoring Math with various types of "Pi", and Cornell Apple Orchards sponsoring Computer Science with "applets." Participants could also visit Experimentation Station to make Marine Biologist, Sunrise, or Lava Flow drinks, or concoct their own beverages.
Several groups made connections to solicit mentors and schedule demonstrations, and impressed community members have offered donations. We've had several requests to make this an annual event!
Be sure to check out the gallery of photos from this event taken by Dave Burbank. Additional photos were posted on Twitter by @IthacaSTEM and @IthacaPEI.
Illa Burbank
IthacaSTEM, president