Please support TSA and IthacaSTEM’s pilot crowdfunding project!

Post date: Apr 24, 2014 1:34:10 AM

We've just launched a pilot project to test crowdfunding as a way to raise money for IthacaSTEM Associates, focusing on the IHS and DeWitt Technology Student Association clubs. They need to raise $5,000 so everyone can attend the TSA national conference in Washington, D.C., regardless of their financial situation.

Your support is important on two levels:

    • As with Code Red Robotics going to Worlds in St. Louis, our TSA clubs are scheduled to compete in the TSA national conference in Washington D.C. in late June. To raise money for travel expenses, they’re asking individuals like you to help out with small donations — it’s just like the AIDS Ride for Life and Hospicare’s Women Swimmin’ fundraisers. Small amounts from lots of people add up quickly.

    • This fundraiser is an IthacaSTEM pilot project to test the PEAKS crowdfunding platform. If this campaign is a success, other IthacaSTEM Associates will be able to use it in the future for their fundraising efforts. To be blunt, if you want to promote STEM in Ithaca in general, your support of this campaign — both in donations and spreading the word — is absolutely essential. Post about it on Facebook and Twitter, send the link to STEM-involved friends in email, and tell colleagues about it in person: we have to get the word out far and wide. Here’s the link:

The TSA students did a stunningly good promotional video for the campaign — be sure to watch all the way to the end for the outtakes!

Remember, all donations made via this campaign, and to IthacaSTEM in general, are tax-deductible thanks to our affiliation with IPEI.

Thanks are due to Mary Grainger and Christine Sanchirico of IPEI for helping make all this possible, and to Ray Weaver of PEAKS for his technical assistance.