Ithaca Journal Coverage of Networking Night
Post date: Nov 19, 2013 4:36:37 PM
IthacaSTEM's November 14th Networking Night has received some nice coverage in the Ithaca Journal.
STEM is taking root in the Ithaca City School District, thanks to new collaborations between educators, business leaders, student groups and community partners.
Spearheading the effort is IthacaSTEM Advocates, a volunteer-run, nonprofit group formed last spring to raise interest in — and funding for — science, technology, engineering and math in the Ithaca district.
Last Thursday, the group held a networking night at the offices of Tetra Tech Inc., which brought together Ithaca educators, student groups such as Code Red Robotics and DeWitt Middle School’s Technology Student Association, members of the Cornell Public Service Center and the Cornell K-12 Outreach Liaison. Also joining were community partners like the Sciencenter and Museum of the Earth, and regional technology businesses.