Logo Design

“Symbolize and summarize.”

Logo is a design which gives identity to a institute. Logo is short form of a Greek word 'Logotype'. Logo is the first impression of a company or institute. Therefore, logos differ from company to company according to their aim, for example, military uses a weapon or animal in the logo, on the other hand educational institute use books, rising sun, lighting lamp etc. in their logo.

IIT Jammu is a newly functioning Institute, so it requires it's identity in form of a logo. Initially it was decided that logo will be made by some designing expert, but out Director who believes that "together students of IIT Jammu can create a miracle", suggested that the IIT Jammu logo will be designed with the help of the students.

On 11th August 2017, a competition for logo design was organised in the presence of designing expert, Mrs. Shreya Sarda (Founder and Promoter at DesignFlyover Consulting LLP) who also explained the science of logo design to the students of IIT Jammu. The competition was great and everyone was trying to become "Otl Aicher" by creating stunning & inspiring logos. The workshop was engaging and it taught all students the importance & value of IDENTITY.