
Nestled against the backdrop of the snow-capped Pir Panjal Mountains, the beautiful city of Jammu has witnessed the inauguration of a new IIT in its womb in 2016. It has been a year since it was established in the foothills of the Himalayas. In its first year itself, IIT Jammu witnessed many activities. We take this opportunity to publish our first Newsletter 'MUSE'. It will reflect the work that has been done in this short period of time. IIT Jammu, in its first year, provided the students with the best in academics and extra curricular activities. The newsletter showcases to the reader, a glimpse of various activities conducted in the first year of IIT Jammu. We hope our newsletter will meet your expectations. At the same time we request your cooperation in making IIT Jammu at par with other foremost Institutes of Technology in India and in the world.

We wish you a pleasant reading........!!!!!