Mansar Lake

About Mansar lake: It is 63 Km from the IIT Jammu campus. Mansar is a lake fringed by forest-covered hills, over a mile in length by half-a-mile in width. Two ancient temples of Umapati Mahadev & Narsimha as also a temple of Durga are situated in the vicinity of the Mansar Lake. On the Eastern Bank of the Lake there is a shrine to Sheshnag. Mansar is also ideal for boating for which the Tourism Department provides adequate facilities.

At the end of the first semester, students organized a picnic trip to Mansar Lake. Some faculty and staff members also joined the students. Mansar has The mesmerising view of the lake was enthralling and a few of us decided to explore . It was the first time when all the students and professor went outside together to have some fun. After a tiring semester, it was a great rejuvenation.