Director's Message

The role of a director in any institute is mainly limited to setting up a strategic vision. Though the director is expected to keep an oversight of the institution, however, leadership is not about titles, rather the focus should be on delivery.

"Leadership is about service that makes many of IIT Jammu students' cherish for volunteering their time on the weekend serving the society. It is about innovation that makes our faculty to lead as they research and develop teaching methods to help our students not to learn but to transform.

Leadership is about the vision that makes our mentors leaders, as they see not just where we are now but where we should be in future.

I believe together, we can do what has never been done before. I hope successive issues of Muse will bring out an impressive range of skills, talents,passion of the aspiring students and faculty. Our faculty will inspire all of us for changing the world to be a better place to live in.

I invite you to be a part of the story of building IIT Jammu and keep sharing your insight, your comments and feedback."

Best Wishes

Dir. Manoj Singh Gaur