Competitive Programming

“Talk is cheap. Show me the code.”

Couldn't have imagined that writing a good code would be so much fun. It was a worthy start of our workshops by Prof. Somitra Sandhya, Associate Professor (CSE Dept.) from IIT Ropar. He graduated from IIT Delhi and later did his PhD in the field of Cryptology.By seeing his qualifications we had expected quite a lot from him and we were surely not dissapointed. What we learned is surely going to help us in the future. This workshop was focused on programming. At first he discussed the evolution of C language over the years. We have done programming in Code blocks and in other applications on Windows earlier, but we got a taste of programming on the Linux based system. We started with some intro to C programming and there on learned some shortcuts and keywords to be able to write a program on terminal on Linux system. It indeed was real fun to explore different new things. He also shared his experience and gave us some useful tips. Later on we were given some problems to code in C/C++. His main motive of giving those questions to us was to highlight the fact of solving problems efficiently using data structures. He also gave some tips to become a successful person and programmer. Throughout the workshop he highlighted the fact that learning programming languages doesn't make you a good programmer. You have to be a good and efficient problem solver in order to achieve something great in the programming world.