Mother-Tongue Day

Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we can think about.

"Any foreign language can never exude that magic of our emotions which our mother tongue can". IITs are the institutes where scholars from different linguistic areas study. IIT Jammu is no different. Here we have students from the luxuriant green covers of the North-East to 'the Great Indian Desert' of Rajasthan, from the tranquil hills of Jammu to the plateau of South-India.

On 21st February, students of IIT Jammu took pride in celebrating cultural diversity and multilingualism existing in our institute. Students belonging to different linguistic areas, presented an essence of their respective mother tongues. It was followed by a drama depicting the importance of our mother tongue in life. In the end, the professor in charge, Prof. DK Pandya, inspired students to learn each other's language and stay united.