IB Diploma Biosone

This website allows students of IB Biology to access all power points, online tutorials, student note packs, animations and links used and shown in class. Although an effort is made to reference all sources of information, on occasion, a link or reference might be missing.  The biggest part of the presentation content originates from any of the three textbooks described below, websites, personal knowledge or the IB Syllabus 2023+.

The here presented work can be understood as work in progress - continuous updates and amendments are made while teaching a course, so that constant changes will have to take place. 

In addition, materials used and posted here are  not endorsed or proofread by the IBO or any other official institution. Whoever uses these resources for teaching, learning, revising must use their judgement and advice on subject guides before selling their souls to the devil. 

This work is created under a created commons license: Biosone - IB Biology resources 2023+ © 2023 by Nicola Mason is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 

Suggested textbooks and resources

Pearson HL Biology - 3rd Edition

Different versions for IB Biology students exist (paper version combined with an E-book version, only paper version, only E-book version ...). Orders can be placed directly at the Pearson website or through another book provider/bookseller of your choice.

Oxford Biology - Course companion

Another editor, but equally good. Also exists as an SL or HL version.  Can be ordered directly from the oxford website or the usual booksellers as a paperback book or from this website as an ebook. 

Hodder Biology - Third Edition

The third edition of this textbook by Clegg et.al is another outstanding resource for the keen biology student. I have obtained my Ebook version from this website, but plenty of other booksellers exist meanwhile.

Ms Mason's two cents: All publishers have added their own little touch and all books are great resources for the IB Biology SL or HL course. My experience so far has shown that the Oxford Course companion is maybe more suitable for students who prefer having the most necessary amount of information written in understandable and concise language, accompanied by good images. A good number of data response questions allows students to practice their application skills in an analytical context. The Pearson's Biology book seems like it is more geared towards students who like to extend their knowledge beyond the minimum and who like to read above the syllabus content. On multiple occasions I had the impression that it addressed more information than the syllabus objectives indicate. The Hodder biology book is also great and their highlighted sections on "Common mistakes", "Concepts" or other meaningful tips and tricks also assist in a perfect exam preparation. 


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