

What is E-Commcerce?

The buying and selling of goods or services over electronic systems

Features of E-Commcerce

  • Ubiquity - available anywhere at any time

  • Customisation - can be personalised

  • Global reach - traverses national boundaries

  • Integration - Combines audio, video, text,

  • Impersonal interaction

  • Low barriers to entry

Impact of E-Commerce on the Marketing Mix

  • Price

    • Internet increases price transparency, making it much easier for consumers to compare prices across different suppliers.

    • E-Commerce cuts out the middleman, producers can sell directly to consumers, increasing profit margins/reducing prices

    • Prices can be adjusted instantly

  • Product

    • Customer has the potential to be able to customise their order

    • Can stock a wider range of products

    • Detailed information on product can be stored online

  • Place

    • Wider customer base

    • Reduces the need for physical stores, decreasing costs

    • Increased convenience for customers

    • Higher shipping costs

    • Reduces the need for intermediaries

  • Promotion

    • Opportunity for online promotion

      • Pop-up, banners, viral marketing, social media, etc

    • Website as POS opportunity

    • Use of discount codes

    • Opportunity to collect email addresses and data of customers in order to send direct marketing materials

    • Tailoring promotional materials to individual needs

Types of E-Commerce


  • Business-To-Business

    • Businesses trade with other businesses

      • Producers to wholesalers

      • Suppliers to producers

      • Producers to retailers

      • Business service providers

    • Often involves transactions of a large volume of goods


  • Business-To-Consumer

    • Business trades directly with customer

      • Purchasing from factory

      • Ordering from the business' website

    • Often cheaper as there is no middleman


  • Consumer-To-Consumer

    • Trade between customers

      • Collectors items

      • E-Bay

      • Carousell

E-Commerce for Businesses


  • Another additional revenue stream

  • Increased customer base

  • Opportunity to enter international markets

  • Increased flexibility - can be updated very quickly

  • Easy for customers to search for

  • Direct channel of distribution - higher profit margins

  • Options for instant download/e-ticketing reduce costs

  • Cheaper than printing catalogues

  • User manuals and software downloads available online

  • Reduces overhead costs


  • Set up and maintenance costs can be high

  • Not appropriate for all goods

  • Information overload

  • Some customers do NOT have access

  • Internet prone to hackers & breakdowns

  • Customers normally pay with credit card, therefore finance charges

  • Potential for fraud

  • Prone to hackers and breakdowns

Benefits of E-Commerce to Customers


  • Customers can compare competitors more easily

  • More choice

  • More convenient

  • Lots of information can be made available

  • Customers have lower shopping costs

  • Can shop 24 hours a day

  • Can make decisions without hassle from sales staff


  • Not all customers have access to internet

  • Slow internet speed makes some websites difficult to navigate

  • Some customers worry about security of online payments

  • Information overload

  • No chance to see and try products before you buy

  • Time delay between ordering and receiving

Issues and Decisions with E-Commerce

  • Payment systems

  • Security

  • Distribution methods

  • Maintenance and updating of the site

  • After sales service

  • Legal issues

  • Potential for job loss

  • International currency flows