Theory of Knowledge

Links from Unit 2 to TOK

Theory of knowledge—suggested links

  • The pace of change in modern business is high and what is important to know is not static.

      • How do individuals and organizations cope with change and new demands?

  • “Knowledge is power.”

      • If this saying is true, how does it affect different stakeholders’ ability to contribute to business decision-making?

  • In large businesses, many stakeholders are far from the centre of decision-making.

      • What challenges does an organizational or a geographical distance create for understanding the concerns of individual and stakeholder groups?

  • Each individual and stakeholder group in a business has its own interests.

      • Does this mean that a genuine shared strategy is impossible?

  • How can a good leader use the different ways of knowing for effective communication and interaction with employees?

  • Can individual motivation only emerge internally or can it be created externally?

      • Is there such a thing as collective motivation?

  • What types of knowledge, skills and attitudes might future business leaders and employees need?