2.1: Training


Definition: Training is the process of providing opportunities for workers to acquire employment-related skills and knowledge.

Objectives of training:

  • Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of staff and improve quality of customer service/production

      • Increased competence can lead to an overall decrease in costs as less time and materials are wasted.

      • Greater quality good/service = greater customer satisfaction

  • Foster career and personal development of employees

      • Happier employees harnesses a good reputation for the business as well as increasing motivation.

  • Create a flexible and productive workforce

      • Staff should be equipped to adapt to changes (technological, legal, structural, etc.)


  • Financial costs (course fees/loss of output) can be very expensive or not worth the investment.

  • Effective training often requires in depth which can incur heavy time investment from the manager.

  • Employee may leave rendering the investment useless


  • Training causes workers to be more effective, flexible, motivated and productive; however, the returns should be able to justify the cost.

Types of Training

There are four types of training: induction, mentoring, behavioral, and cognitive. While not all are mutually exclusive, each provide their own benefits and drawbacks.

On-the-job training:

Definition: Refers to training carried out whilst in the workplace.

Induction training:

  • Aimed at familiarizing new employees into a business allowing them to settle in faster.

      • Introduces them to corporate culture as well as their role in the business.

      • Meet existing employees and learn the layout of the workplace.

      • Look at company policies and practices (Breaks, emergency procedures, health/safety policies)


      • Mentoring is a type of on-the-job training involving a partnership between two people.

        • It is split into the mentor and the mentee;

        • The mentor is the more experienced one who helps the mentee gain and develop specific skills and knowledge.

Off-the-job training:

Definition: Refers to training carried out off-site, e.g. at a tertiary or hotel conference room.


      • Training and developing mental skills to improve work performance.

        • Cognitive training includes learning activities designed to help improve memory, attention, listening skills, logic and reasoning, visual and auditory processing, self-control, time management and problem solving. Hence, it is used in many professions, especially highly skilled jobs such as accounting, finance and insurance.


      • Deals with identifying functional issues that could improve performance in a workplace e.g. team-building, motivation, stress management

        • Focuses on human behavior rather than skills.