3.6 Efficiency Ratio Analysis


Main Types of Ratio


  • Gross Profit Margin

  • Operating Profit Margin

  • Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)

Key Users:

  • Shareholders

  • Governments

  • Competitors

  • Employees


  • Current Ratio

  • Acid-test Ratio

Key Users:

  • Shareholders

  • Lenders

  • Suppliers

Financial Efficiency

  • Payables Days

  • Receivables Days

  • Inventory Turnover

Key Users:

  • Shareholders

  • Lenders and Creditors

  • Competitors

Gearing Ratios

Capital gearing is the balance between the capital a company owns and its funding using short-term or long-term loans, investors and lenders use this to assess risk.

Low Gearing

  • Company has less debts

  • Company has more equity financing (shares, retained profits, capital)

High Gearing

  • Company has more debts (loans or bonds)

  • Company has less equity

IB Business Formulas for Ratios