Internal Assessment

Introduction to the Internal Assessment (IA)

Note from the Authors:

Majority of the content in this section will be focusing on Higher Level (HL) Business IAs

This page and it's sub-pages are still under construction, please bear with us as we try to update the content

The research project, which is the internal assessment module for the Business & Management course will count for 25% of your final mark. As such, it is very important.

You are required to design and undertake research, analyze data and produce a research proposal (up to 500 words including an action plan) and a written report (2,000 words + 200 word executive summary) at Higher Level.

Both the research proposal and the written report will be internally assessed by your teacher and then moderated externally by the IB.

The Business IA is marked out of 25 and the grade boundaries can be seen below:

Take note that if you decide to do a Business Extended Essay - you must NOT build the IA and EE on the same set of business concepts, units or syllabus content.

Basic Requirements/Expectations for HL & SL Business Internal Assessments:

HL Business IA:

SL Business IA:

General Formatting Tips of the Business IA:

Page Numbering

  • All pages in the report must be numbered consecutively, beginning with the Introduction. The IA should use the numbered sectional format.

  • The IA should be typed in a computer and the number of words (of the Proposal and the actual IA) should be included on the title page.

Word Limit

Research Proposal : Maximum of 500 words

Executive Summary : 200 words

Business Report : 2,000 words

The maximum word limit does not include supplementary information such as:

  • title page,

  • executive summary (must be 200 words max)

  • diagrams,

  • figures,

  • tables,

  • references

  • appendices


Your supervisor will ensure that the assignment is your own work. If there is doubt, authenticity may be checked by a discussion on the content of the assignment. This would involve close scrutiny of one or more of the following:

  • your research proposal

  • the first draft of the assignment

  • the references and bibliography for your assignment

  • the style of the writing compared with your other work

You will be required to sign a written declaration when submitting your assignment, to confirm that it is your own work.

Supervisors are also required to verify the same thing

Teacher Guidance

The general educational aim should be to encourage the seeking of advice and information through discussions initiated by you, the candidate. Therefore you will not be penalised for seeking guidance in conducting your investigation. However, if you have not been able to complete your report without substantial teacher support, this will be indicated to the IB.

The teacher should play an important role during both the planning stage and whilst you are working on the project. However, it is your responsibility to initiate both discussion and the framework for the discussions.

Extended Essays

You are not allowed to use the same company for both Extended Essays and IA.

General Tips For Writing the IA:

  • Use size 12 font (suggested fonts are Cambria, Times New Roman, Arial)

  • Use 1.5 line spacing for easier reading

  • Always spell check and grammar check your work (use Grammarly)

  • Have someone proofread your work for any errors

  • Cross-reference your work with course content

  • Include sources for EVERYTHING including tables, charts, photos, diagrams and anything else that isn't your own

  • Try to use as much business key terms and definitions

  • Include an executive summary

  • Hand in at least TWO complete hard copies of your final IA and send soft copies by email or upload them to Google Drive

  • DO NOT use your extended essay title or research question for the IA

  • DO NOT use the same company for your extended essay AND your IA

  • DO NOT exceed the word limit for ANY PART OF THE IA

  • DO NOT forget to apply business terminology, tools, theories and concepts

Official IB Criteria:

HL IA Marking Sheet.pdf