Unit 2

Human Resource Management

Unit 2 Revision Quizlet - Created by A. Winter ('19)

Unit 2 Glossary:

Delegation: passing authority down the organisational hierarchy

Span of Control: the area of activity or number of functions, people, or things for which an individual or organization is responsible.

Levels of Hierarchy: a way to structure an organization using different levels of authority and a vertical link, or chain of command, between superior and subordinate levels of the organization.

Chain of Command: this is the route through which authority is passed down an organisation - from the chief executive and the board of directors

Bureaucracy: an organisational system with standardised procedures and rules

Centralisation: keeping all of the important decision making powers within head office or the centre of the organisation

Decentralisation: decision-making powers are passed down the organisation to empower subordinates and regional/product managers

De-Layering: removal of one or more of the levels of hierarchy from an organisational structure