Choosing a Topic

When choosing an EE topic for Business Management, you should pick a topic that you can apply core concepts to (e.g. STEEPLE, SWAT analysis). If you are struggling to pick a topic, try to find inspiration from class discussion, current events, or even your own personal life. Great topics will usually be ones which have not been covered in-depth by the curriculum while at the same time give you lots of room to utilize the theories and tools you have learnt in class.

Backward vs. forward-looking questions

You can choose either a topic that investigates past events or future events. Here are some pros and cons of each:


  • Pros

    • You will most likely have a wide array of sources to pull from

    • It is easier to create a clearer narrative, as the events have already happened

  • Cons

    • You might end up just describing the event instead of analyzing it


  • Pros

    • You will be able to have a rich analysis based on your own arguments and hypotheses

    • Conflicting sources can lend for a more balanced discussion

  • Cons

    • Hypothetical questions based on future events are not allowed

    • You may not have enough sources

Examples of topics

Below are some examples of what a good topic should look like. This was taken directly from the official Business Management EE guide of the IBO.