

Hello dear classmates, it is currently 3 in the morning as I am writing this after finally finishing my daily routine. Just kidding I procrastinated till this hour. My name is William and I have just turned 20 years old. I used to have issues accepting my own culture when I was younger but now, I can't go anywhere without having my beloved Asian food. All jokes aside, although i do seem like someone who slacks off a lot at school I work very hard for my passion to become a successful choreographer. I'm currently in a famous group on YouTube called East2West you will occasionally see me as a dancer in a couple videos together we create dance videos mostly to Korean songs although, were currently preparing a video for an English song which i will be in. Maybe consider watching it if ever interested. My goal in life is to become successful in my passion in Japan or Korea. The video is out now check it out we viralllll!!

-Official Video

-Behind the scenes

Body Language

I am not quite sure if this is going to be my final topic, but since i have to put in a lot of effort i think it's better if it is something that interests me and is meaningful as well. As someone who plans to make a living off of dancing to music and expressing how i feel through movements, i figured what better topic than choosing body language. What i mainly want to talk about through this topic is how body language influences communication on a daily basis, how important it is and maybe how it works.

Source #1:

Link: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/Body_Language.htm

Why? I chose this source because it mainly talks about what body language is and how to read it. Other than that this website also tends to focus on how to project your body image by holding different postures and making different faces all while having pictures to help visually. For example, they tell you to not touch your face while answering questions to avoid making the other person think your being dishonest.

Source #2:

  • Link: https://lichaamstaal.eu/english/body.html
  • Why? I picked this link because of how much information that we didn't know about but is yet a major factor about how our body language affects our day-to-day communication there is. This source even manages to convince me that body language is superior to verbal communication.

Source #3:

Source #4: Academic Source

Authors: Knapp, Mark L. and Hall, Judith A.

Publication: Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. 2013

  • Link: https://dc153.dawsoncollege.qc.ca:2312/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=544027&site=eds-live&scope=site
  • Why? The reason I chose this source is that it talks about the origins of nonverbal communication, its purpose and the consequences. It also mentions how we engage in body language and what psychologically makes us behave that way.

Source #5: Academic Source

Authors: Müller, Cornelia

Publication: Berlin De Gruyter Mouton. 2014

Link: https://dc153.dawsoncollege.qc.ca:2312/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=910111&site=eds-live&scope=site

Why? I chose this one as my fifth source because of how much information it contains. It even talks about sign language which isn't the same thing but is still somewhat related. So the source explains to us the context behind each movement we do for body language and its functions as a form of communication also how body language may very depending on the different cultures!

Source #6: Academic Source

Authors: Harris, Janelle

Publication: Essence August 1, 2014

Link: https://dc153.dawsoncollege.qc.ca:2312/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=96868369&site=eds-live&scope=site

Why? I picked this as one of my sources because of how it contains one important aspect of body language usage in today's society. Which is how to read people to know their true intentions. In this source it tells us how our bodies tend to act without thinking, as a result we tend to give away information on what we are actually thinking in certain situations.

One crucial example is if someone is leaning back while sitting during the course of an important conversation. It usually means she's disinterested and is creating distance.

Source #7: Academic Source

Authors: Goman, Carol Kinsey

Publication: T+D August 1, 2008

Link: https://dc153.dawsoncollege.qc.ca:2312/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=f5h&AN=33650388&site=eds-live&scope=site

Why? I chose this source because this one also touches on a very important matter of body language which is somewhat similar to the previous one. This talks about how people can view you in a different ways by reading your movements and posture. In other words, it tells us how much your nonverbal communication can say about you and how some people can perceive you in the wrong way.

-One example would if someone has bad sitting habits and is used to not sitting straight. People around him might think of him as unenthusiastic or maybe even a slouch sometimes.

Source #8: Academic Source

Authors: Sharifian, Farzad

Publication: De Gruyter Mouton. 2008

Link: https://dc153.dawsoncollege.qc.ca:2312/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=259725&site=eds-live&scope=site

Why? I chose this as a source because it covers a very interesting yet important subject about my topic. Which is how culture affects our body language. There are many countries where they have different ways of expressing themselves that we tend to overlook.

-For example, in Korea people usually have a habit of covering their mouths with their hands whenever they are impressed or surprised by something. There are also many hand gestures that have different meaning depending on which country you're in.

Surprised body language in Korea

The difference in hand gestures of US and China

Source #9

Link: https://www.uniassignment.com/essay-samples/english-language/functions-of-using-body-language-english-language-essay.php

Why? I chose this website because it brings up an important point that a lot of us tend to overlook these days, which is the perks that our body brings to today's complex society through the various expressions we create. This link highlights those important perks which are: Authenticity, Intuition, Flexibility, Subsidiary and Otherness. It also explains the functions of body language in a classroom setting.

Source #10

Link: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/relationships-communication/nonverbal-communication.htm

Why? I picked this as a source because it is very important information, it explains to us why our nonverbal communication matters and the five major roles it plays to improve or complement or messages we give it through speech.

Nonverbal communication can play five roles:

  • Repetition: It repeats and often strengthens the message you’re making verbally.
  • Contradiction: It can contradict the message you’re trying to convey, thus indicating to your listener that you may not be telling the truth.
  • Substitution: It can substitute for a verbal message. For example, your facial expression often conveys a far more vivid message than words ever can.
  • Complementing: It may add to or complement your verbal message. As a boss, if you pat an employee on the back in addition to giving praise, it can increase the impact of your message.
  • Accenting: It may accent or underline a verbal message. Pounding the table, for example, can underline the importance of your message.