
The Integrating Activity is a required, graduating course that is meant to bring together all the skills students acquired in their program. It involves lots of exploring, reading, writing, and testing out creative ideas. This site is hosting the individual projects of students who were enrolled in Dawson College's Languages Profile Integrating Activity during the Winter 2020. semester. The name chosen for this compilation of projects is Bloom - as in "to mature into achievement of one's potential", or "to flourish in ... excellence." Bloom! reflects the potential and achievement of our students, and each page represents their interests, personality, and work accomplished during this -very challenging, as it turned out- semester.

The projects were going to be presented in a group event on April 28 and 30, 2020 - but the Covid-19 pandemic forced us to change plans. We were fortunate in that this platform still allowed each student to create his or her own individual presentation, regardless of the limitations imposed by the pandemic. As an instructor, I am extremely happy with the way students' initial ideas have blossomed over the semester, despite the hardship, stress, and upheaval that threw our best laid plans into disarray. There is so much to learn, read, and watch in these blogs - I hope you take the time to enjoy them as I did, and to appreciate the effort, creativity and learning that went into making them!

Helen Karanika

Languages Profile IA Instructor

Winter 2020