What should I do to increase height fast?

Growing taller is seen as a natural process, which comes along and cannot be modified except at a young age when the body seems to be easily formed.

However, increasing in height does not only imply something that lasts during childhood or only until puberty.

Even after the age of 30 people can still grow a few centimeters if they know on which part of the body to focus on and what kind of lifestyle is accurate for wanting things such as growing.

You want to grow taller but your dreams got shattered because of genetics, which was not very giving with you? That is not a reason to despair. Growth can happen! Genetics represents, indeed, a big part of growing, but height increase is not only determined by genetics. One has to consider nutrition, some physical exercise, sports, sleeping, massages etc.

With a well-focused attention and extra positive thinking, you can grow a few centimeters, leaving your friends surprised when they will see the results.

I will give you a few tips on how to increase human growth hormone naturally, which can increase the amount you grow by a significant amount.

1. The most efficient way of increasing these levels are by human growth hormone injections, but these are illegal if you don’t have a prescription, can cost vast amount of money and cause a range of unpleasant side effects so I do not recommend this method.

2. Drinking milk has been shown to help you grow taller, you can refer to the following article to better understand the benefits of milk for height:"Does drinking milk make you taller?"

3. Resistance exercise (weight lifting) increases growth hormone. This is the most widely known method for improving growth hormone levels and is very effective.

4. Intense sprinting exercises also causes a burst of human growth hormone and also improve levels even while you are not exercising.

5. Lower your stress.

6. Get at least 8 hours of sleep. This should be most emphasized as this will double all your efforts. No or little amounts of sleep means no growth.

Some knowledge on increasing height can be found at website howtogrowtaller, debametulam, healthline, wikihow...