Puberty, and its effects on the average height of boys

Your children's puberty will determine their growth. The process of growing that causes girls and boys to change their bodies in order to become adults is called puberty. Boys will experience significant growth spurts when they reach puberty. They are often taller and more muscular than girls at the same age. Individuals can begin puberty at any age between 8 and 14 years. The length of puberty is different. Boys start to notice signs at 12 years of age, which is about one year later than for girls.

The time at which the pubertal stage begins will determine how fast growth occurs. Around 1 to 2 years after conception, the fastest rate of growth will occur. During puberty, boys average a growth rate of around 3 inches (7.6 cm) per annum [ 2]. Parents may find it confusing to see their boys begin this period in a different way. The starting age does not determine how tall they will become, but it does affect when they stop puberty. These are the most common classifications for boys:

  • Early maturers enter the pubertal stage around 11-12 years of age.

  • Late maturers enter their puberty stage around 13-14 years of age.

The average height of both early and late maturers is the same. However, the late maturers will grow faster in order to make up the difference. It's important to recognize that everyone is different so that your boys don't have to be worried if puberty starts a little later than their friends.

See more at : What’s the average height for a boy?