Swim regularly to increase height quickly

Swimming is believed to be the healthiest sports event, not only for height exercises but it can also make you stronger and tough. Every one should swim on a regular basis in order to prevent backbone distortion, to correct body posture and to improve overall fitness and health.

Try various styles during swimming to optimize result. Freestyle is regarded as the most helpful because when you swim in this style, you will maximize stretch for each stroke, this will definitely benefit your growth and flexibility.

Likewise, swimming improves your lungs capacity and makes your chest and shoulder broader. Look at professional swimmers, each one of them has thin body, thin waist, tall and have broad shoulder. Swimming is the best exercise for acquiring a tall and slender body.

Here are some more stretching exercises you can try out that will help you grow taller and increase your height.

Exercise #1 (Cobra): Lie on the floor face down with palms on the floor under your shoulders. Begin to arch your spine up leading with your chin. Arch as far back as possible. Each repetition should last between 5-30 seconds.

Exercise #2 (Super Cobra): Start with your arms perpendicular to the floor, and the spine arched (the end position of the cobra). Now blend your hips and bring your body up into an inverted ‘V’ position. While you are doing that, tuck your chin against your chest. Return to the original position. Each repetition should last between 10-20 seconds.

Exercise #3 (Cat Stretch): Get on your hands and knees with your arms locked out. Inhale as you flex your spine down and bring your head up. Exhale as you bring your spine up into an arched position while bringing your head down. Each repetition should last between 3-8 seconds.

Exercise #4 (The Super Stretch): Standing up, reach your hands up as high as you can as you lean slightly back. Feel the stretch in your lower spine. The super stretch can be done standing up or lying down. Each repetition should last between 4-7 seconds.

Exercise #5 (The Downhill):Standing with your hands together and arms behind you, bend down at the waist as far as possible and slowly swing your arms as high as possible behind you. Each repetition should last between 4-6 seconds. Follow other useful height increase experiences at Debametulam website