How to Grow Taller Fast At 12

Age 12 means the average onset of puberty. Teenagers during puberty will experience rapid physical growth and psychological changes, culminating in sexual maturity. You should really get serious if you don’t want your height lag behind others’. How to grow taller fast at 12?


Adolescents especially boys seem like they’re hungry all the time. This is because to grow big and tall, our body needs lots of energy. Calories are the measurement used to express the energy delivered by food. According to healthchildren, boys require about 2800 calories per day, and girls 2200 calories per day. Below is a list of top 5 high calorie foods for your body growing tall.

Fats & Oils (Beef Tallow, Lard, Fish Oil, Vegetable Oil): 902 calories(100g)

Nuts & Seeds (Macadamia Nuts): 718 calories (100g)

Nut & Seed Butters (Peanut Butter): 590 calories (100g)

Chocolate (Dark 70-85% Cacao): 598 calories (100g)

Dried Fruit & Fruit Juices (Prunes): 339 calories (100g)


Half of our body weight is made up of protein. Teenagers favorite protein sources include beef, chicken, turkey, pork, fish, eggs and cheese.


According to a report of the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine, all teenagers need at least 130 grams of carbohydrates each day. The major sources of carbohydrates are cereals, fruit and vegetables.

Vitamins and Minerals

Teens tend to most often fall short of their daily quotas of calcium, iron and zinc. Read this article for more info about vitamins teenagers need.

Teens and Sleep

Sleep is vital to your well-being. Better sleep can help you to eat better and manage the stress of being a teen. Teens tend to stay up late and sleep in late on the weekends. Irregular sleep patterns can affect your biological clocks and hurt the quality of your sleep. Teens need about 8-10 hours to function best. The right sleeping posture is sleeping on your spine which can improve the quality of your sleep.

Exercises for Teens

Teenagers are recommended to get vigorous exercise in for about an hour a day at least 3 days a week. Regular physical activities can help you grow taller fast.

Aerobic Exercise

You must interest in one of the sports like basketball, football, volleyball, running, cycling, swimming, etc. Choose your favorite activity and do it at least 3 times a week.

Stretching Exercise

Stretching can increase flexibility and improve the range of motion of your joints. I have collected top 26 stretching exercises in this post.

Be careful! You must exercise in safest way. As many as 20% of children get hurt when they play sports. Boys aged 12 to 17 are the highest risk group. Exercising for several hours is probably too much on anyone and excessive exercise usually lead to injuries when you are exhausted. Weight lifting exercises are also not recommended to teenagers.